Obama Leads Big In North Carolina

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

He came into town (well, Greensboro) on Wednesday, and packed the house.

Hillary made three stops in North Carolina yesterday, including one in Winston-Salem, and Bill is hanging around today.  (In fact, as I look out my window, he’s on the streetcorner just standing there, talking to a hot dog vendor.  Nobody is even paying attention.  Now he’s trying to stop people and talk to them about how he feels their pain.  Oh, man.  Okay, now he’s talking to hot dog vendor again.  Buying a hot dog).

North Carolina is not used to be courted during primary season, because by this time, the nominations are all sewn up.  Anyway, the latest survey shows good news for Obama:

Hillary Clinton desperately needs to claim more white votes if she is to win a desperately needed primary by taking the Democratic presidential contest in North Carolina May 6.

But with five weeks to go, undecided whites likely to vote in that primary are, if anything, slowly moving to Obama’s column, or may be ready to.

Here are the results of our North Carolina poll from Wednesday night:

“If you are voting in the Democratic primary and the election were held today, who would you vote for?”

Barack Obama (49%)
Hillary Clinton (34%)
Undecided (17%)

The poll was conducted by InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion on March 26. It sampled 406 likely voters in the May 6 North Carolina Democratic presidential primary. The margin of error is plus or minus 5%. The data have been weighted for age, race, gender and party affiliation.

“Firewall state” has been the king of clichés during this campaign season, but that term has never applied more than North Carolina does for Clinton. If she loses badly here, regardless of any modest gains in the national delegate count, her candidacy may be done unless her primary victories in Florida and Michigan somehow end up being seated at the national nominating convention.

Click here for the crosstabs.

Other Obama poll news:

The recent controversy over comments made by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright does not appear to have undermined support for Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential candidacy, according to the latest Pew Research survey.

The poll finds that Obama maintains a 49% to 39% advantage over Sen. Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, which is virtually unchanged from than the 49% to 40% lead he held among Democrats in late February.

The same poll shows that both Obama and Clinton beat McCain, by the same amount, in a general election matchup….


… although Obama is perceived by more people as being the stronger candidate: