Dole’s Second Attack Ad On Hagan

Ken AshfordElection 2008, Local InterestLeave a Comment

Dole unconvincingly asserts she is not attacking Hagan's faith, but then she attacks Hagan again for, uh, not being bigoted against atheists.  Or something.

This second ad is only slightly less disgusting than the first.

The ad purports to just be "giving the facts", but this ad, like the other one, actually skews the fact:


On Sept. 15, Hagan attended a fundraiser in Boston hosted by author Wendy Kaminer and her husband, Woody Kaplan.

Both are leaders of the Secular Coalition of America, which advocates for atheists and humanists in public policy. Kaplan also sits on the advisory board of the Godless Americans political action committee, which advocates for nonbelievers.

Kaplan was listed as one of 10 chairs of the Hagan fundraiser, along with Sen. John Kerry, former U.S. ambassador to Austria Swanee Hunt and several other Boston-area businesspeople. Another 25 people were listed as hosts.

The fundraiser was advertised on the Democratic Web site ActBlue in August. After Dole criticized Hagan over the fundraiser in late August, Kaminer and Kaplan's names were removed from the invitation on ActBlue.

The Godless Americans PAC Web site says that it supports candidates who are atheists and supports the separation of religion and government, including a “Godless pledge.”

The news clips are of other members of the Godless Americans PAC on MSNBC's “Scarborough Country” in 2004 and 2005 and Fox News' “The O'Reilly Factor” in 2004. The unidentified woman's voice at the end is Johnson's from a Washington rally in 2002.


It is true that Hagan attended the fundraiser in question, but the ad is misleading in several ways. The fundraiser was not a secret. The people shown in the news clips were not involved with the fundraiser. And some viewers might be led to believe that the unidentified female voice at the end of the ad is Hagan's.

I have one question for Liddy Dole:  Are you accepting campaign donations from atheists?