What I Won’t Miss After November 4

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

  • blogging about the election

  • campaign surrogates (advisors, consultants) speaking on my tv
  • Sarah Palin
  • manufactured outrage as a campaign tactic
  • all of the following phrases:

  1. socialist
  2. communist
  3. share the wealth
  4. redistribute the wealth
  5. you betcha
  6. joe the plumber
  7. "first dude"
  8. william ayers
  9. reverand wright
  10. "in the tank for"
  11. maverick
  12. wall street vs. main street
  13. ACORN
  14. "associations with…." and "ties to…"
  15. "pallin' around with…"
  16. "my friends"
  17. "real american"
  18. hockey mom
  19. change (sorry, but it IS tiresome)
  20. elitist/elitism
  21. kitchen table
  22. "speaking directly to the American people…"
  23. Bradley effect