Nice try, Guardian:
Twitter switch for Guardian, after 188 years of ink
Consolidating its position at the cutting edge of new media technology, the Guardian today announces that it will become the first newspaper in the world to be published exclusively via Twitter, the sensationally popular social networking service that has transformed online communication.
The move, described as "epochal" by media commentators, will see all Guardian content tailored to fit the format of Twitter's brief text messages, known as "tweets", which are limited to 140 characters each. Boosted by the involvement of celebrity "twitterers", such as Madonna, Britney Spears and Stephen Fry, Twitter's profile has surged in recent months, attracting more than 5m users who send, read and reply to tweets via the web or their mobile phones.
I'm not fooled, but it's nice to see the media get into the spirit of things….
On the other hand, this appears to be true, if somewhat murky.
And the Simpsons on a U.S. postage stamp story? Also (apparently) true.
ALSO: Here's a slideshow of pranks by Google from 2000-2008. Wonder what they will be up to this year. UPDATE: Ah, hereit is. A Gmail add-on which scans your incoming email and then automatically sends the "perfect reply"
BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE: The Taipei Times gets into the act, with a story about the discovery that the Taipei Zoo's prize giant pandas are actually "brown forest bears that had been dyed to create the panda’s distinctive black-and-white appearance".
AND: YouTube is upside down today, reportedly. But it looks fine to me. (Maybe you have to sign in to see the effect).
And Expedia.