It’s 2:15 PM. Do You Know Where Your Governor Is? [UPDATE: He Confesses]

Ken AshfordElection 2012, Republicans, Sex ScandalsLeave a Comment

Gov. Mark Sanford is late for his 2:00 pm news conference to explain his whereabouts and odd behavior these past six days.

Except he hasn't shown up yet.

Probably on the Chisholm Trail, I'm guessing.

Picture 20 UPDATE (2:25 pm): Okay, here he is. He's basically apologizing to his wife, kids and staff for just disappearing like that.

2:27 pm:  Now he's holding back tears.  Saying how he's let people down.  Including his in-laws.  Not exactly saying what he did to let them all down.

2:27 pm:  Now apologizing to people of faith.  Still not explaining what he's ap[ologizing for.

2:30 pm:  BOOM!  There it is!  "I've been unfaithful to my wife".  Developed a relationship with a woman from Argentina.  Began as an innocent email exchange.  Lady in the background behind him gave a "WTF?!?" head turn when he said that. [NOTE: I called it when I first wrote about it: "I smell Republican sex scandal"]

2:32 pm: Going to resign as Chairman of Republican Governor's Association.

2:38 pm: Sanford is explaining that he went to Argentina on this trip was essentially to break off or end the relationship with the woman in Argentina and that he's committed to trying to reconcile with his wife.

And that's all there is to write.  He's still talking and there's still question time, but the rest is just epilogue.  One could take the stance that this is a private, not public, matter, but his behavior this past week makes that argument a non-starter.

Some may want to give him credit for his standing up there, owning up to his mistake, being earnest, blah blah blah, but I can't help but wonder what he would be saying had he not been caught by a reporter in the Atlantic airport where he just debarked from a flight from Argentina.  Would he still be spouting the Appalachian trail story?

Whatever kudos can be given to his newfound earnestness, the affair itself (or even the ending of it, as he claims) doesn't excuse leaving an entire state rudderless for several days.  Nor does it excuse the hypocrisy from this "family values" political figure.

LATER THOUGHT:  Perhaps this webpage should come down….

EVEN LATER THOUGHT:  Less than a month ago, the right blogsphere was all agog at the "scandal" of Obama taking his wife to NYC for a date (a Broadway play).  Not to mention their constant party line that gay marriage creates family instability.  Wonder what they have to say now?