Stats From The Cash-For-Clunkers Program

Ken AshfordEnergy and Conservation, Environment & Global Warming & EnergyLeave a Comment

The Top Ten Cash for Clunkers Trade-Ins:

  1. 1998 Ford Explorer
  2. 1997 Ford Explorer
  3. 1996 Ford Explorer
  4. 1999 Ford Explorer
  5. Jeep Grand Cherokee
  6. Jeep Cherokee
  7. 1995 Ford Explorer
  8. 1994 Ford Explorer
  9. 1997 Ford Windstar
  10. 1999 Dodge Caravan

The Top Ten Cash for Clunkers New Cars:

  1. Ford Focus
  2. Honda Civic
  3. Toyota Corolla
  4. Toyota Prius
  5. Ford Escape
  6. Toyota Camry
  7. Dodge Caliber
  8. Hyundai Elantra
  9. Honda Fit
  10. Chevy Cobalt

Smart, money-saving, and good for the environment.

Conservatives are now deriding the C-4-C program as an example of a government program that doesn't work and was mismanaged.  To the extent that there was a government screw-up, it was only because it was so popular.  “Cash for Clunkers” — the government program giving people a $4,500 voucher to trade in an old vehicle for a newer, more fuel efficient one — has been so successful that Congress is considering appropriating more money for it to continue.