Strange Bedfellows

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

The Catholic Church is in favor of "No 1" in Maine, the voting referendum which, if passed, will overturn the governor and Maine legislature's decisions to allow same-sex marriage.

And that's fine, but look who they are getting into bed with:

The Maine Grassroots Coalition will hold a press conference in the Hall of  Flags at the State House in Augusta at 11:00 on Wednesday October 28th, to alert the public to the dangers of the radical homosexual agenda. The press conference will feature three well-known pro-family speakers, Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, Brian Camenker of Mass Resistance, and Maine's own Paul Madore, from the Maine Grassroots Coalition.

[Emphasis mine]

Brian Camenker is the leader of one of only eleven organizations to be so extreme, that they've chosen by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an official anti-gay hate group.