is a new website venture brought to by (who else) Focus on The Family. It allows users to rate how the "Christmas-friendliness" of various retailers, and by that I mean, whether or not they are sufficiently intolerant of Kwanza, Hannukah, and other Jesus-hating holidays.
Here's a typical comment — this one about Sears:
Comment Date: Nov 30 2009 8:57 PM
Rating: Christmas-Friendly
Comment: I noticed the slogan "More Values More Christmas" on nearly every 2-page spread in the November 29 Sunday flyer. Very nice.
"More Values More Christmas". Yes, Jesus would love the fact that his birth is used as an occasion to provide discounts.
I think, however, they are getting spammed by people funning on the whole concept. Check out this comment relating to the Gap:
Comment Date: Dec 1 2009 11:41 AM
Rating: Christmas-Offensive
Comment: First thing I notice is that they are only playing non-Christian Christmas songs (Jingle Bells, etc.). Unacceptable. I ask a clerk, "What is the reason for the season?" and I get back "What?". I buy a shirt and when they ask me what kind of wrapping paper, I reply that I want nativity paper or something showing the baby Jesus. They say they only have snowflakes and snowmen and green/red paper. What does green and red have to do with JESUS?
Or this relating to Borders:
Comment Date: Nov 28 2009 9:47 AM
Rating: Christmas-Offensive
Comment: I find it offensive that this store is so eager to have our money but neglects to honor the holiday. I won't shop here and as much as possible shop in Christian book stores. Borders has an agenda and it is nothing to do with Christian values.
Well, I certainly hope those are jokes.