Amityville Home For Sale

Ken AshfordRandom Musings1 Comment

The home gained its notoriety when Ronald DeFeos killed six family members while they were sleeping in 1974 and subsequent owners George and Kathleen Lutz claimed to be haunted for 28 days, which were detailed in the book “The Amityville Horror” (on the cover: “This book will scare the hell out of you”—Kansas City Star). However, James Cromarty, who lived … Read More

Lost: Unanswered Questions

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Why wasn't Walt at the afterlife party? Or Nikki and Paulo? Or Ana Lucia? Or. Mr. Eko? They were all on the plane in the original crash. Why did that sequence of numbers keep reappearing? And how? What was the origin of the island sickness that prevented women from giving birth? And why was Claire the exception to that sickness? … Read More

So, Is ANY Republican Faithful To Their Marriage In South Carolina?

Ken AshfordRepublicans, Sex Scandals, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Outgoing governor had an affair, wife divorces him. Former wife now supports new GOP gubernatorial candidate, who we now know also had an affair – with a staffer of the adulterous governor – and who distanced herself from the governor because of HIS affair. Haley, who is married and has two children, has yet to comment on Folks' announcement. About … Read More

Is Kevin Costner Making Himself Useful?

Ken AshfordDisasters, Energy and Conservation, Environment & Global Warming & EnergyLeave a Comment

The spill in the Gulf rages on.  Animals are washing ashore dead.  Efforts to stop the thing are proving unproductive.  It is the worst environmental disaster the world has ever seen. And one man may have a solution: Kevin Costner.  Yes, that Kevin Costner. Mr. Costner appeared in New Orleans last week to demonstrate a $24 million oil extraction device … Read More

Mark Twain Tells All

Ken AshfordHistoryLeave a Comment

Mark Twain left instructions not to publish his autobiography for at least a century. It's now been 100 years since the great American author died, so…. that's right.  Mark Twain has a book coming out.  Read more.

Is the Senate Financial Reform Bill Any Good?

Ken AshfordCorporate Greed, Economy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Edmund Andrews, who used to cover these issues for the New York Times and now is at the Fiscal Times and blogging at Capital Gains and Games, says it’s very good indeed: Against that backdrop, it’s astonishing that the Senate bill actually became stronger as the process dragged on. The proposed consumer financial protection agency is stronger and I believe … Read More

Rand Paul Doubling Down By Showing Support For BP

Ken AshfordDisasters, Election 2010, Energy and Conservation, Environment & Global Warming & Energy, Obama Opposition, Tea Party2 Comments

Bruce Bartlett may have said it best when he wrote that Paul suffers from foolish consistency syndrome: I don't believe Rand is a racist; I think he is a fool who is suffering from the foolish consistency syndrome that affects all libertarians. They believe that freedom consists of one thing and one thing only–freedom from governmental constraint. Therefore, it is … Read More

Rand Paul And The Civil Rights Act: Part II

Ken AshfordConstitution, Election 2010, Obama Opposition, Race, Sex/Morality/Family Values, Tea PartyLeave a Comment

As the day progresses, Rand Paul is clarifying his position on the 1964 Civil Rights Act, assuring the voters that he will not try to repeal it.  This afternoon, a spokesman for the Paul campaign told Greg Sargent, "Civil Rights legislation that has been affirmed by our courts gives the Federal government the right to insure that private businesses don't … Read More

NC Goodwill Centers No Longer Interesting; They’re Scary

Ken AshfordLocal InterestLeave a Comment

On Monday, I wrote a post entitled: NC Goodwill Centers Getting Interesting. I take that back.  Another grenade has been found at a local Goodwill Center, this time right here in Winston-Salem: WINSTON-SALEM — A customer at the Goodwill store on Peters Creek Parkway tried to purchase a grenade found on a shelf Wednesday morning, prompting the evacuation of the … Read More