Quote Of The Day

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

From here: Prior to the warrant being issued, a friend of Lohan's [said] that Lindsay was not pleased with Revel being assigned to her case. "Lindsay thinks that judge is so mean … Lindsay wants a new judge that isn't as bossy and strict … It's not like Lindsay isn't busy. She's an international movie star," the friend said. Shorter … Read More

Rand Paul And The Civil Rights Act

Ken AshfordElection 2010, History, Race2 Comments

I saw a lot of Rand Paul on TV yesterday.  And heard him on the radio.  The newly-minted Republican candidate for Senator from Kentucky is facing national criticism because of his stance on the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Rand Paul, I honestly believe, is not a racist.  He just believes that government should not be involved in business.  And … Read More

Bad Marketing Idea

Ken AshfordCrime, Science & TechnologyLeave a Comment

Take a look at this ad, which has appeared on websites and billboards:   Mr. Davis's company, Lifelock, advertized that it could protect one's personal information.  So confident was Mr. Davis in the company's product that he advertised his social security number prominently. Well, guess what: LifeLock CEO Todd Davis, whose number is displayed in the company’s ubiquitous advertisements, has by now … Read More

The Class of 1994

Ken AshfordRepublicans, Sex Scandals, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Here we go again: "I sinned against God, my wife and my family by having a mutual relationship with a part-time member of my staff…." That's Representative Mark Souder (R-Ind), sponsor of the "Marriage Protection Amendment" to the U.S. Constitution, admitting to an extramarital affair yesterday morning with part time staffer Tracy Jackson.  (The two can be seen here in a … Read More

Surging Republicans?

Ken AshfordElection 2010Leave a Comment

Conventional wisdom and the polls suggest that 2010 will be a banner election year for the Republicans, as anti-Obama fervor continues to grow. But Steve Benen took note of the special election yesterday in Pennsylvania's 12 District, to replace the House seat held by John Murtha. Democrats ran Mark Critz, a former Murtha staffer, against businessman Tim Burns, who touted his … Read More

NC Goodwill Centers Getting Interesting

Ken AshfordLocal InterestLeave a Comment

Reported yesterday, in Asheville: A clothes sorter at a North Carolina charity generated a lot of goodwill when she turned in thousands of dollars she found in a sock. The Asheville Citizen-Times reported that Goodwill worker Jocelyn Garnace found more than $5,000 cash in a sock wrapped up in a blanket. This afternoon, in Madison: A device that could be … Read More

Supreme Court: No More Life Sentences Without Parole For Minors Who Haven’t Killed Anyone

Ken AshfordConstitution, Crime, Supreme CourtLeave a Comment

It was a 5-4 decision, with Alito, Roberts, Scalia and Thomas in the minority. Really, this should have been a no-brainer. By a 5-4 vote Monday, the court says the Constitution requires that young people serving life sentences must at least be considered for release. The court ruled in the case of Terrance Graham, who was implicated in armed robberies when … Read More

Miss USA Wants To Blow Up Times Square

Ken AshfordPageantsLeave a Comment

So the newly crowned Miss USA, from Michigan, is an Arab Muslim terrorist, just like our President.  Congrats, Rima Fikah. Cue wingnut head explosions in three, two…. wait for it! UPDATE:  And now there's controversy about some stripper photos that were taken of Rima Fikah when she won a stripper contest in 2007.  However, it won't amount to anything since … Read More

Drunk History Vol. 5: Fredrick Douglass (and Abe Lincoln)

Ken AshfordHistoryLeave a Comment

If you haven't been following Funny or Die's Drunk History series, you're going to laugh when you see what you're missing. Here's how it works: the producers get somebody super-drunk, then have that person tell a story from history. This story is usually completely inaccurate, but hilarious due to the aforementioned super-drunkenness. Then the producers get actors (often surprisingly high-caliber … Read More

The Next Bieber

Ken AshfordYoutubeLeave a Comment

I first saw this video late last week, and it's gone waaaay viral by now.  The talented kid here (performing Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi") has gone from regular school kid to an appearance on "Ellen", and you can be sure there'll be more from him. The video is from April 12.  The kid, whose name is Grayson Chance, is performing at … Read More