Newt’s “Dirty Secret”

Ken AshfordElection 2012, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

As mentioned below, GOP candidate Newt Gingrich's ex-wife (Marianne Gingrich) has given an interview to ABC news in which (she has alleged) will totally sing Gingrich's campaign.

Oooooh.  Just what "goods" does she have on Newt?

Apparently, he wanted to have an "open marriage" — i.e., have his wife (Marianne) and his mistress (Calista, to whom Newt is now married).  Marianne said "no".

My thoughts?  Of course it's ookey.  Of course it's going to get Newt in hot water with the "family values" people.  But I remain steadfast: what the hell does this have to do with Newt's ability to run (or in his case, ruin) a country?

Presidents are political leaders, not moral leaders.  You want a moral leader, there's a good one in the Bible.  Has the initials J.C.  I'm definitely no fan of Gingrich, but I don't think his moral failings — and WE ALL have moral failings — should preclude him from the presidency.

And here's my prediction — this attack on Gingrich will actually backfire.  He might even get some sympathy.

And to be honest, it's not even new.  We knew this about Newt already, right?

Off the soapbox.