Stop Kony (or Why The Internet Is Awesome)

Ken AshfordKonyLeave a Comment

This video was posted on Tuesday.  Despite being half an hour long, it has been viewed 50 million times.  It's time for you to watch it.   In the interest of full disclosure, there has been some criticism of Invisible Children, although it doesn't amount to much in my view (no charitable organization is perfect).  Some of the criticisms are … Read More

The Solar Flare Disruption

Ken AshfordScience & Technology, YoutubeLeave a Comment

The huge solar flare that ignited from the Sun earlier this week is hitting Earth now, and may cause disruptions to high frequency radio communication, global positioning systems (GPS) and power grids.   Also, the northern lights might be more visible.  Cool.  

The Terrible Obama Video That Haunts Him

Ken AshfordObama & Administration, Obama OppositionLeave a Comment

Just before he died last week, media provocateur Andrew Breitbart teased his readers and followers by saying that he had "never-before-shown" video of Barack Obama during his college days. The right wing, teased into a tizzy by Breitbart, went full into speculation mode.  Was it Barry Osama bin Obama doing drugs with Bill Ayers?  Could he have been making sweet … Read More

End of The World Starts Tomorrow

Ken AshfordDisastersLeave a Comment

Here's why: A strong geomagnetic storm is racing from the Sun toward Earth, and its expected arrival on Thursday could affect power grids, airplane routes and space-based satellite navigation systems, U.S. space weather experts said. The storm, a big cloud of charged particles flung from the Sun at about 4.5 million miles per hour (7.2 million km per hour), was spawned by a pair of solar flares, scientists … Read More

Stupor Tuesday

Ken AshfordElection 2012Leave a Comment

So Mitt Romney squeaked out 6 of 10 states in a not-so-super Tuesday last night, which isn't saying much since one of those states was his home state of Massachusetts, another of those states is neighboring Vermont, and another of those states was one where Rich Santorum and Newt Gingrich weren't even on the ballot (Virginia).  What can be said of … Read More

And Netflix Makes Thirty

Ken AshfordHealth Care, Right Wing Punditry/Idiocy, Sex/Morality/Family Values, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

Moments ago, Netflix emailed a statement to the tech website Boing Boing indicating that the company will ensure that its ads never appear on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show again: Spotted your tweets and wanted to let you know that Netflix has not purchased and does not purchase advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show. We do buy network radio advertising and have confirmed … Read More

Super Tuesday

Ken AshfordElection 2012Leave a Comment

Here's the thing: it's not going to be over when today is over. This is, of course, good, since the longer this goes on the more "underwater" each candidate becomes.  "Underwater" means that their UNapproval ratings are higher than their approval ratings.  And yes, all four GOP candidates are underwater: More Americans hold negative than positive views of Romney by … Read More

Full Circle

Ken AshfordHealth Care, Right Wing Punditry/Idiocy, Sex/Morality/Family Values, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

Wow.  Saint Vincent's Hospital in Connecticut, a Catholic medical center, is withdrawing its advertising from Rush Limbaugh, according to the hospital's Twitter feed. Remember, this all started because Catholic insitutions were upset and having to "pay for" contraception coverage.  Apparently, Rush stunk up his side so badly that even his allies are distancing themselves.

Quote Of The Day

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & Deficit, Election 2012Leave a Comment

“How I measure riches is by the friends I have and the loved ones I have and the people that I care about in my life, and that’s where my values are and that’s where my riches are.” – Ann Romney, wife of Mitt Romney, on why she doesn't consider herself wealthy Um… okay.  Well, when we talk about income … Read More