Was Last Night’s Primaries A Game Changer?

Ken AshfordElection 2012Leave a Comment

Like most people, I'm waiting for things to get to the next stage in the GOP primaries.  Right now, we're stuck with the same scenario — Romney ahead but unable to close the deal, Santorum splitting the conservative vote with Gingrich, and Ron Paul diddling around.

Even Super Tuesday didn't move the dial much.

Last night's primaries in Alabama and Mississippi may have represented a slight movement, albeit 2.0 on the Richter scale.  It may mean the beginning of the end for Gingrich.  He needed to take at least one of those Southern states, he got none.  Although, it was close.

But if he can give up, and give his conservative creds entirely to Santorum, then Santorum might have an actrual shot (at the convention) to beat out Romney.  MIGHT.

So that's the only significance of last night.