Breaking: SCOTUS To Review DOMA and Prop 8 Cases

Ken AshfordGay Marriage, Supreme CourtLeave a Comment

The Supreme Court granted cert in the so-called "Prop 8" case from California.  They also decided to hear the appeal of a case testing the constitutionality of DOMA – the Defense of Marriage Act.  Section III of DOMA prevents the federal government from treating as married for the purpose of federal law same-sex couples who are legally married under state law. … Read More

The War On Christmas 2012

Ken AshfordWar On Christmas1 Comment

No, it hasn't gone away.  It's very very real, so says Bill O'Reilly. And now we know who is behind it… the gays!   MCGUIRK: The war on Christmas is very, very real, and if you ask me, in addition to some grouchy misanthropic heathen atheists it has to do — at the root of it — with two things — abortion and … Read More

All-Time Low For The Senate

Ken AshfordCongressLeave a Comment

So this happened yesterday: In a tactic he thought would put the Obama Administration in an uncomfortable position, this week [Sen. Mitch] McConnell [Senate Minority leader for the Republican Party] proposed a measure that would give the president, rather than the Congress, the responsibility for raising the federal debt ceiling. Then, when Democrats surprised him by being willing to take … Read More

Please Tell Me This Is Rock Bottom

Ken AshfordRepublicansLeave a Comment

In case you hadn't heard, Republicans voted against disabled people.  For no reason other than to be ornery. Seriously.  It was a vote which would not have a cost anybody a penny. It was… oh, screw it.  Jon Stewart explains: The Daily Show with Jon StewartGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook  

Worst Punditry of 2012

Ken AshfordElection 2012Leave a Comment

Over at Pundittracker, they've come up with their three final candidates for the Worst Political Prediction of 2012: (1) Conservative Pundits: Romney will win the election in a landslide We decided that it was unfair to single out any one of these predictions, since they all met the threshold of being spectacularly off-target. Pundit Prediction Larry Kudlow Romney will get 330 … Read More

Papa John’s Takes A HIt

Ken AshfordHealth Care, Obama OppositionLeave a Comment

HuffPo: The opinion of Papa John's among recent casual diners dropped precipitously after CEO John Schnatter's public comments about Obamacare, according to a new study from YouGov BrandIndex, which researches brand perception for marketing directors, brand managers and PR reps. The site conducts thousands of interviews a day, providing real-time info that shows trends and responses to different marketing techniques or … Read More

Elizabeth Warren on Banking Committee

Ken AshfordCongress, Corporate GreedLeave a Comment

Wall Street doesn't like Elizabeth Warren, a strong advocate of Wall Street reform.  They hoped she wouldn't be elected Senator from Massachusetts, but she was.  And now, it appears that their worst nightmare is about to happen: she's going to be in a position of real power over them. The Huffington Post's Ryan Grim is reporting that sources have told him that … Read More