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From the Salt Lake City Tribune:

Prominent Utah gun lobbyist’s AR-15 assault rifle stolen from his car

Crime » Thief took the weapon from the lobbyist’s vehicle, police say.

By Michael McFall

First Published Mar 28 2013 08:45 pm • Updated 3 hours ago

Police are looking for an assault rifle that someone stole from the vehicle of a prominent gun lobbyist and instructor.

Clark Aposhian, chairman of the Utah Shooting Sports Council, had his locked vehicle parked outside his home on the 1600 E. block of 7200 South Wednesday night. By Thursday morning, the AR-15, which was inside a case in the vehicle, was gone, said Cottonwood Heights Sgt. Mark Askerlund.

Police are always concerned about a stolen firearm, but especially one of this caliber, Askerlund said.

Investigators have no leads yet on who stole the assault rifle.

Aposhian declined to comment.

And I’m sure the guy who stole it is going to use it to defend his 2nd Amendment rights.