Second Amendment Terrorism Is Here

Ken AshfordGun Control, Rightwing Extremism/ViolenceLeave a Comment

Second Amendment supporters are suspected to have committed three terrorist acts this week on American soil – one against the group Mayors Against Gun Violence, another against Mayor Bloomberg, who is a staunch gun control advocate, and a third against President Obama.  All were sent similar suspicious letters, at least two contained powder, and at least one tested positive for the deadly poison Ricin.

The motivation for the attacks?  The Second Amendment:

CNN, citing a source with knowledge of the letters to Bloomberg and his gun-control group, said those letters include this:

“You will have to kill me and my family before you get my guns. Anyone wants to come to my house will get shot in the face. The right to bear arms is my constitutional God-given right and I will exercise that right till the day I die.”

NBC reports that the same gun-nut letter was sent to President Obama.

The text of the Obama letter was identical to the text in the other two letters, which warned that anyone who comes to the sender’s house will “get shot in the face” and vows to protect a constitutional and God-given right to bear arms.

The text also warned: “What’s in this letter is nothing compared to what I’ve got planned for you.”

Is anybody really surprised that it came to this?

At least one of the letters is postmarked from Louisiana which remarkably has the distinction of being:

(1)  the state with the weakest gun safety laws in the nation


(2)  the state with the highest gun violence rate in the nation.

Wow.  Go figure.