Palin’s Speech This Weekend Was So Painfully Bad That Even Conservatives Lament

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Idiocracy, Tea PartyLeave a Comment

Falll-out continued for former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin following her speech at the Freedom Summit in Iowa this weekend, that one commentator called “bizarro,” with others calling it “rambling” and “painful.”

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough lamented  Palin’s decline from the candidate who once wowed a national audience with her speech at the Republican  nominating convention in 2008.

“I think it’s a tragedy, too. We all remember that night she spoke in 2008 at the convention,” Scarborough said. “I will say, it remains one of the most electrifying performances I’ve seen in the last four or five conventions I’ve been to. Nobody expected her to do well. She delivered the lines well; she hit it out of the park.”

Following Palin’s Saturday speech, Washington Examiner columnist Byron York — described by former Palin adviser Nicolle Wallace as one of her “staunchest supporters” — spoke with conservative activists who attended the speech, few of whom had anything good to say about the one-time GOP star or her speech.

Sam Clovis, a conservative Iowa college professor and radio commentator who recently lost a primary campaign to Palin-endorsed, now-Senator Joni Ernst, claimed it is now hard to take Palin seriously.

“I know she is popular, but it is hard to take her seriously given that performance,”  Clovis said. “Palin was a sad story Saturday. With every speech she gives, she gets worse and worse. If one were playing a political cliche drinking game, no one would have been sober after the first 15 minutes of an interminable ramble. It was really painful.”

Another attendee, described by York as “a well-connected Iowa Republican” was less impressed, saying Palin has reached the end of “shelf-life.”

“Calling Gov. Palin’s remarks bizarre and disjointed would be charitable,” he said. “Her shelf-life, even with the most conservative voters in our party, seems to be near the end. In a day filled with strong performances from likely candidates ranging from Scott Walker to Ted Cruz, her remarks were a distraction.”

Writing on the Iowa Republican blog, Craig Robinson said he had a hard time finding anyone who reacted positively to Palin’s speech.

“Of all the people I talked to about Palin’s speech, only one person didn’t have a negative reaction. That person basically said it was a typical Sarah Palin speech. It was received poorly by everyone else I spoke with, ” he wrote. ” I’m not comfortable sharing everything I heard about the speech — it was that bad.”

Robinson concluded “No offense to Gov. Palin, but I do think it is problematic to have someone give a speech like that in the midst of a string of serious speeches by people who are seriously thinking about running for president. Palin made a guy like Trump look like a serious presidential candidate today. Incredible.”

Why was the speech so awful?  Talking about the 2016 campaign, Palin babbled, “It is war. It is war for the future of our country, for the sovereignty and solvency of the United States of America. The other side, the far left, they see a need for change. It is by offering real change, again. Coronation, rinse, replay. Clinton, rinse, repeat. These leftists promoting these ‘Ready for’ campaigns. Ready for Hillary. Well, these hopey-changey DC businesses disguised as grassroots, don’t you wonder what the White House thinks of them out there, prancing around, squealing they are ready for someone else? They have to admit it even.”

You think that was nonsense? You think that was incomprehensible? Oh, wait. As the gears in her tiny, fucked-up mind started to break down, Palin’s synapses misfired and she lost the ability to complete a thought. On the national debt (maybe? who can tell?), she rambled on, “From debt, when you are in a hole, you don’t want to be in the first thing they stop digging. I don’t know what is wrong with the leaders in this country who understand we are in a hole we don’t want to be in and they keep digging. From debt to energy, proving the inherent links between American-made energy and prosperity, and energy insecurity to solutions like the tax that we need, to stop this unhealthy obsession that we are hearing about, even on our side of the aisle, the subjective income gap we are supposed to be obsessed with. We don’t have to be obsessed with it.”

Now to be fair, the teleprompter went down and the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee flipped through a binder of notes and strung together a series of one-liners – and some of them made little sense.  But isn’t being teleprompter-reliant HER criticism of Obama?

Here’s a brief painful excerpt: