The Crazy North Carolina Legislature

Ken AshfordGay Marriage, Local Interest, Sex/Morality/Family Values, Women's Issues1 Comment

(1)  Jerks:

Lawmakers passed a bill Wednesday that would make North Carolina one of several states with 72-hour waiting periods for abortions. Gov. Pat McCrory said he planned to sign it, despite the urging of opponents who wanted him to stand by his statement during his 2012 campaign that he would not sign any further restrictions on abortion if elected. In announcing his plans to sign the bill, Mr. McCrory, a Republican, argued that it would not restrict access. Supporters have said that increasing the waiting period from the current 24 hours will give pregnant women more time to collect information. The bill’s House sponsors also said they hoped the measure would lead to fewer abortions. Democratic lawmakers and other opponents have said that there is no medical reason for increasing the wait and that Republicans are seeking to add more hurdles to a procedure that courts have ruled to be constitutionally protected.

(2)  Bigots:

The state Senate voted Monday night to cancel Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto of a bill that would allow some North Carolina court officials to refuse to perform gay marriage activities because of religious objections.

The 32-16 vote was above the three-fifths threshold necessary to override a veto. The bill still must clear the House again for the veto to be blocked and the law enacted. That vote was scheduled for Wednesday in the House, where the outcome is less certain because 10 lawmakers were absent last week when the bill first passed.

McCrory, a Republican who vetoed the bill within hours of final legislative passage, saying no public official voluntarily taking an oath to support and defend the Constitution should be exempt from upholding duties. The bill followed within a few months of federal judges striking down North Carolina’s 2012 constitutional amendment prohibiting gay marriage.

UPDATE: (3)  Yes, I left out Ag-Gag, which makes me want to ag-gag:

Both the state House and Senate voted Wednesday to override Gov. Pat McCrory’s veto of House Bill 405, a law that proponents say protects private property rights but opponents say muzzles whistleblowers.

Dubbed an “ag-gag” measure by its critics, the bill gives businesses the right to sue employees who expose trade secrets or take pictures of their workplaces. Animal rights groups say the measure is aimed at curbing the kind of undercover investigations that have exposed abusive practices in factory farms and slaughterhouses.