Chattanooga Shootings

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Crime, Gun Control, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Well, someone went ballistic (so to speak) in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  It is all unfolding now, but he apparently shot up a Navy Recruitment Center.  This pic was posted on Twitter


The suspect has been killed.  That is confirmed   Not much known about him other than he was white and drove a Mustang.

A police officer has been shot but is in stable condition.  Four military officers were also shot — condition unknown but reports are there is “a lot of blood”.  Despite the fact that the shooter is dead, many places in Chattanooga remain on lockdown.

On the local Chattnooga news, they are taking strains not to speculate, but you can tell what they are thinking.

So I’ll say it: shooting at the military?  It sure sounds like someone might be buying into this Jade Helm 15 thing.


News conference held.  Some more info….

Investigators confirm Chattanooga, Tenn., shootings occurred at 2 different military buildings.  Three people, including police officer, being treated for injuries.  Four Marines killed.  Gunman killed as well.  He had multiple weapons. Authorities say no reason to believe anybody else was involved.  Motive unknown.

The shooting began about 10:45 a.m. at one recruiting center on Lee Highway in and ended about 30 minutes later at the facility on Amnicola Highway, where all of the deaths occurred.The United States attorney Bill Killian said that federal investigators would take the lead on the case, which he initially called an “act of domestic terrorism” before backing away, saying that the investigation would determine how the crime should be labeled.


I know they said we shouldn’t attach labels, but….  Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez?  Yeah, we shouldn’t come to a conclusion based just on the name, but it’s a pretty safe speculation that we can call it “terrorism”.  Domestic or foreign?  TBD.  Guess I was wrong about the Jade Helm thing.

Also, the police are manning the military recruitment stations in NYC.  And other places, I suspect.