Aliens Discovered?

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

Yeah, I’ve been watching in a little X-Files binge-watching (man, Gillian Anderson was hot), but I would be interested in this story anyway.  It is a mystery, but a serious mystery reported by serious science journals. Something is going on surrounding a star identified as KIC 8462852: A star, named KIC 8462852, has been found with a highly curious transit signal. In … Read More

Tweet Recommendation

Ken AshfordWomen's IssuesLeave a Comment

I am enjoying the Twitter account of @manwhohasitall.  It is basically a parady Twitter account which satirizes some of the inane crap spouted at working moms from womens’ magazines.  By changing the gender, you can see how patronizing some womens’ magazines are to their readers. Essential products for every working dad’s briefcase: tissues, sewing kit, kids toys, wet wipes, a spare … Read More

Nice Vetting, Fox News

Ken AshfordRight Wing and Inept MediaLeave a Comment

CNN reports: Wayne Simmons, a recurring guest on Fox News who claimed to have 27 years of experience with the CIA, was arrested Thursday after being indicted by a federal grand jury on charges that he lied about his service. Simmons is accused of falsely claiming that he worked as an “outside paramilitary special operations officer” for the CIA from … Read More

A Revisit To “Yes Means Yes”

Ken AshfordEducation, Women's IssuesLeave a Comment

The New York Times did a great story yesterday about the virtues and the difficulties of teaching, and enforcing, a “yes-means-yes” policy in schools, particularly colleges. I have written about this before, but by way of quick background, there is a movement on college campuses and in high schools to move away from the “no means no” mantra and teach/enforce “yes means … Read More

The Rude Pundit On Clinton’s Debate Win

Ken AshfordDemocrats, Election 2016Leave a Comment

He’s not endorsed anyone yet, and yes, he’s rude, but he’s a great writer too: See, after nearly three decades in the public spotlight, a good chunk of that spent in the cross-hairs of every scandal gun Republicans could load, nothing you can throw at Hillary Clinton is gonna dent her. She ran out of fucks sometime in 2008, and … Read More

What The Hell Is Going On At The London Zoo?

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

First sentence of an AP story: LONDON (AP) — A former meerkat expert at London Zoo has been ordered to pay compensation to a monkey handler she attacked with a wine glass in a love spat over a llama-keeper. Yes.  Another meerkat-expert-loves-monkey-handler, meerkat-expert-loses-monkey-handler love story.

Trump Draws Analogy Between Black Protesters And Isis

Ken AshfordElection 2016, RaceLeave a Comment

We need a strong leader- and fast! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 14, 2015 And here is what he linked to… We need a strong leader- and fast! A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on Oct 14, 2015 at 8:29am PDT Trump is saying, in no uncertain terms, that if Sanders can’t stand up to black … Read More

Debate Wrapup

Ken AshfordDemocrats, Election 2016Leave a Comment

The point of any debate is to draw contrasts and attract new voters. Did anyone do that in last night’s first Democratic debate? Perhaps, but only with those who hadn’t decided up until now.  I don’t think Sanders swayed any Hillary voters and I don’t think Hillary swayed any Sanders voters. Still, it was a good debate in that it … Read More

A Tweet From 2009 Could Haunt Rubio

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Gun Control, IranLeave a Comment

I’ve always seen Marco Rubio as one of the few “serious” GOP candidates and one who could pose an actual challenge to HRC.  But this tweet of his from 2009 is very… uh… Carsonesque. What a dumb thing to tweet.  It originally was published in the midst of the June 2009 protests stemming from allegations of elections fraud and the violent … Read More

A Century Ago

Ken AshfordHistoryLeave a Comment

For no reason other than my amusement, here are the headlines from 100 years ago…. The Red Sox won the World Series (they would win again in 1916 and 1918, but that was it for the 20th century)… and WWI was heating up.

David Brooks On His Own Party

Ken AshfordRepublicans, Tea PartyLeave a Comment

He’s pissed: Over the past 30 years, or at least since Rush Limbaugh came on the scene, the Republican rhetorical tone has grown ever more bombastic, hyperbolic and imbalanced. Public figures are prisoners of their own prose styles, and Republicans from Newt Gingrich through Ben Carson have become addicted to a crisis mentality. Civilization was always on the brink of … Read More

Planned Parenthood To Give Fetal Tissue For Free

Ken AshfordWomen's IssuesLeave a Comment

In a letter sent to the National Institutes of Health, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said the recent accusations against her group are “categorically false” and that the goal of the organization’s critics has “nothing to do with our fetal tissue donation compliance process.” Richards adds: “Today, we’re taking their smokescreen away and pushing forward with our important work on … Read More

Democratic Debate Tonight — The Also-Rans

Ken AshfordDemocrats, Election 2016Leave a Comment

Five Democrats take the stage tonight for the first Democratic Presidential Candidate Debate on CNN, and all eyes will be on Hillary Rodham of Chicago and Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Here are the other three: Martin O’Malley — former governor of Maryland National polling average: 1.0 percent Iowa: 4.0 percent New Hampshire: 1.7 percent O’Malley is the only life-long Democrat … Read More

Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Sweat Because She Is A Robot

Ken AshfordElection 2016Leave a Comment

Real interview: ANOTHER ROUND: In preparation for this interview, I watched a lot of your interviews, and I noticed you never sweat, like physically. I’ve done like a little bit of press and I get so hot — TV lights, stage lights. ANOTHER ROUND: I’m sweating now and I’m sitting still. ANOTHER ROUND: What is your deodorant situation? HILLARY CLINTON: … Read More

An Apology Was What Was Called For

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, YoutubeLeave a Comment

First, the video that went viral and started it all…. The Mac & Cheese Kid, as he has known, apologized by video.  Critics were, and are, saying that he is still a smug arrogant brat and/or is not acknowledging his alcohol problem.  I hear all that and don’t necessarily disagree, but I don’t think that is relevant.  An apology was … Read More