Fox News Moron Doubles Down With Dr. Carson: Stupid Jews Could Have Taken The Nazis

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Gun Control, History, Right Wing Punditry/Idiocy, Rightwing Extremism/ViolenceLeave a Comment

Yes, the European Jews were just a bunch of pants-wetting pansies back in the thirties: Dr. Ben Carson recently asserted that if guns had not been confiscated from Jews then Hitler would have had more trouble orchestrating the Holocaust. Jonathan Greenblatt, National Director of the Anti-Defamation Leauge, quickly objected, stating that there were few firearms available to Jews in Germany … Read More

Today In Campus Mass Shootings

Ken AshfordEducation, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

(1)  One dead, three wounded at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ. (2) Two people shot (UPDATE: one killed, one wounded) at Texas Southern University – happening now — school on lockdown; shooter on the loose.  (UPDATE: 2 now in custody; 1 still being sought) Arizona and Texas have very lax gun laws.  Just sayin’ Two campus shootings today, and we’re at the … Read More

Dems In Disarray*

Ken AshfordCongress, Republicans, Tea PartyLeave a Comment

*If you don’t get the joke, there is a political meme out there known as “Dems In Disarray”.  It seems that certain columnists and websites every so often love to write what is known as a “Dems in Disarray” piece, usually when there is very little about the Democratic Party which is in disarray.  (I’ve even seen “Dems In Disarray” … Read More

Breaking: Who Is The House Speaker?

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Congress, Republicans, Tea PartyLeave a Comment

As my Twitter feed suggests, something is happening with the GOP House. Kevin McCarthy was expected to voted in as House Speaker.  But the rumor is he is out.  He dropped out. Chaffetz is it. Yup, not a rumor.  McCarthy, who admitted that the Benghazi investigation was politically motivated to get Hillary, dropped out.  Election postponed. Remember, this person comes … Read More

But Can They Build A Bridge Out Of Her?

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

What the hell is happening over at Fort Meade? Air Force dental technician accused of being a witch The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is representing a former Air Force contractor who says she was fired from a dental clinic at Fort Meade, Maryland, after complaining that her co-workers discriminated against her because she was Hindu.  She claims they then accused her of … Read More

Quote Of The Day

Ken AshfordCongress, Economy & Jobs & Deficit, RepublicansLeave a Comment

From former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke, in his new memoir, The Courage To Act: [I] lost patience with Republicans’ susceptibility to the know-nothing-ism of the far right. I didn’t leave the Republican Party. I felt that the party left me. That’s a Reagan quote, except Reagan was talking about the Democratic Party. Bernake was nominated for the job by president … Read More

Megan McArdle Should Stop Thinking… And Writing

Ken AshfordGun Control, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Daily Beast columnist Megan McArdle has figured it out.  The mass shooting problem.  We don’t have to debate it anymore. In a long screed at the Daily Beast entitled “There’s Little We Can Do to Prevent Another Massacre”, McArdle goes through all the proposals out there — banning certain guns, taxing or banning ammunition, greater checks on the mentally ill, etc. … Read More

New York Inmates Beat A Bunch Of Harvard Students

Ken AshfordEducationLeave a Comment

.… in a debate: BOSTON — Months after winning a national title, Harvard’s debate team has fallen to a group of New York inmates. The showdown took place at the Eastern New York Correctional Facility, a maximum-security prison where convicts can take courses taught by faculty from nearby Bard College, and where inmates have formed a popular debate club. Last … Read More

Republicans Don’t Really Want “Religious Freedom”

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Polls, RepublicansLeave a Comment

Someone at Daily Kos pulled certain results of this PPP poll and turned it into this revealing bar graph: What does it mean? While most Republicans want religious freedom, almost half of them mean they want religious freedom for Christians only (and/or no freedom for followers of Islam).  Perhaps they don’t understand what “freedom” means, or perhaps they think “religion” means Christianity … Read More

Stop It Everybody!

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

I am getting a little frustrated with the issue-hijacking every time there is a national tragedy, particularly mass shootings.  Whatever is in the news, people dovetail their own pet issues onto it. No, Catholic League.  The Oregon shooting does not reinforce your argument that the world is anti-Christian. No, right wing nutjobs. The Oregon shooting does not reinforce your argument the … Read More

Shut Down The Benghazi Committee

Ken AshfordCongress, Election 2016, Political Scandals, RepublicansLeave a Comment

The normally-unfriendly-to-Hillary New York Times has had enough of the Benghazi thing.  That’s pretty surprising since The New York Times has run one phony exclusive after another. First, her famous emails were illegal, except they’re not. Then they were contrary to regulations enacted, oops, 18 months after she left office. Next Hillary was the subject of an FBI criminal probe. … Read More

His Parents Must Be So Proud

Ken AshfordRandom Musings, Youtube2 Comments

I’m not a fan of the public shaming of private people, but this is going viral.  And with good reason. A drunk kid from the University of Connecticut staged a coup for some bacon jalapeño mac & cheese, and inadvertently revealed himself to be the worst person ever. He came to the university dining hall really drunk, in search of that spicy porky mac. He … Read More

Chart Of The Day

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Right Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Grammerly is an app that, well, judges and fixes your grammer (in, say, Word documents). The folks at Grammerly went to 2016 Presidential candidates’ Facebook page, taking comments that were at least 15 words long and expressed either positive or neutral feelings about the candidate. Then, the app selected at least 180 of those comments to analyze for each candidate. Which … Read More