I am getting a little frustrated with the issue-hijacking every time there is a national tragedy, particularly mass shootings. Whatever is in the news, people dovetail their own pet issues onto it.
No, Catholic League. The Oregon shooting does not reinforce your argument that the world is anti-Christian.
No, right wing nutjobs. The Oregon shooting does not reinforce your argument the Muslim violence is rampant.
No, Jezebel. The Oregon shooting does not reinforce your argument that misogyny is to blame.
No, GOP presidential candidates. The Oregon shooting does not reinforce your argument that abortion is the root of all evil.
No, conspiracy theorists. The Oregon shooting was real and does not reinforce your theory that the Obama administration is staging fake mass shootings as an excuse to take your guns away.
I see this all the time.
And it needs to be called out more.
By the way, we all remember the grand-daddy of issue-hijacking, don’t we?