Thank You, Gun Nuts

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

Did you hear the one about the guy in Colorado walking around a quiet neighborhood with a rifle in plain sight, and an observant woman called 911 and was told by the 911 dispatcher that Colorado had an open carry law so they couldn’t stop him?  And then he shot and killed three people, all of which might have been prevented if the police were allowed to stop people walking around with loaded rifles?

Yeah, it happened.

Denver-area law enforcement agencies say their response to armed people in public varies on the circumstances.

“Is this person exercising their rights or about to start a very serious situation in which someone is going to be killed?” said Jacki Kelley, spokeswoman for the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. “We just don’t know the difference.”

Hmmmm.  Maybe you could pass a law or something.