Post Yet-Another-GOP-Debate Thoughts

Ken AshfordElection 2016Leave a Comment

(1)  I can’t hide my contempt for this party and those beholden to it.  Even the questions were horrible.  The moderators would mischaracterize what Obama has said and done, and then ask the candidates about it — like, “Last night in the State of the Union, Obama said that ISIS isn’t a problem.  Your thoughts on how we deal with ISIS?” … Read More

Can You Hear The Dog Whistles?

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Republicans, Tea PartyLeave a Comment

This: Rep. Peter King (R-NY) told Politico Thursday that Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) should “go back under a rock” after the GOP nominee hopeful said rival Donald Trump “embodies New York values.” Cruz talked about Trump’s campaign rally songs Tuesday and said he thought the real estate mogul might start playing Frank Sinatra’s “New York, New York” … Read More

Yet Another GOP Debate Tonight

Ken AshfordElection 2016Leave a Comment

Tonight’s debate is the second-to-last one before Iowa, and the dynamics are a little different: Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are finally going after each other on the campaign trail, because they are running neck and neck in Iowa.  In Iowa, if the polls can be believed (and I’m not sure polls are as reliable this year), Trump has perhaps … Read More

The Sad Story Of Christine Mumma

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Courts/Law, CrimeLeave a Comment

The North Carolina Bar just ruled that Christine Mumma violated professional conduct rules in her quest to free an innocent man from prison. Mumma is an attorney for the North Carolina Innocence Project (actually, The NC Center on Actual Innocence)  She was trying to free Joseph Sledge, 71, who had spent more than three decades in prison for a double homicide he did … Read More

RIP Alan Rickman

Ken AshfordIn PassingLeave a Comment

Unbelievable.  Like David Bowie only a few days ago, Rickman was 69 and died from cancer.  Another great talent with a great legacy. This is among my favorite Rickman things.

Squirrels Still After Us

Ken AshfordSquirrelsLeave a Comment

Just because I don’t write about squirrels as much as I used to, doesn’t mean I have forgotten about them and their nefarious plans to take over the world. Fortunately, the Washington Post is also keeping tabs on these furry rats, noting a map from a website which shows all the electrical outages caused by squirrels since 1987: It should … Read More

2016 Dead Pool

Ken AshfordIn PassingLeave a Comment

Link to 2015 Dead Pool Link to 2014 Dead Pool Link to 2013 Dead Pool Link to 2012 Dead Pool Link to 2011 Dead Pool It is unfortunate to be doing this on the day that David Bowie’s death was announced, but this has to b done. First, the usual blah-blahs. There are two “dead pool” lists.  One is just … Read More

RIP David Bowie

Ken AshfordIn PassingLeave a Comment

Stunning news this morning.  The world is reacting to the news which came out only a few hours ago: David Bowie died yesterday at the age of 69 after an 18 month bout with cancer.  They’ll be a lot of talk and ink spilled about his flamboyant and “chameleon” looks, and how he was a pioneer of “glam rock”, but … Read More