Delete Your Account

Ken AshfordElection 2016Leave a Comment

Donald Trump does not intend to raise much money.  Which means he won’t have a lot of internal polls or much of a ground game.  Cuz that’s how “politicians” (said scornfully) do things, and Trump is not a politician.  He might know how to run a business, but not a campaign:

Meanwhile, RNC officials still aren’t even sure where the campaign has already deployed staffers. Trump’s field organization is a patchwork of aides, some paid, some retained on a volunteer basis and many left over from the Republican primaries. While he has campaign chiefs in Florida — and solidly blue states like Washington and New York — in crucial battlegrounds including Ohio and Colorado, Trump doesn’t have so much as a state director.

The man does not have a state director in Ohio, a major swing state.  That’s right.  There’s virtually no organized Trump operation in Ohio.  Meanwhile, the Clinton people are targeting the neighborhoods where people will need rides to the polls. And getting people registered.

Trump will rely on Twitter and free media, which will only preach to the choir (at best) and unite the opposite (at worst).

Good luck with that.

UPDATE — Hillary responds:

Priceless.  For those not in the know, “delete your account” is a very dismissive burn on Twitter.  Basically, it means, “you’re just to stupid to argue with so just delete your account and stop wasting space.”

It gets universal approval….

Hillary’s “Delete Your Account” is already her most retweeted tweet…. ever.