Democratic House Sit-In Enters Day Two

Ken AshfordCongress, Gun ControlLeave a Comment

Late last night, Ryan managed to adjourn the House until after the July 4th break: After a chaotic, daylong occupation of the House floor, Republican leaders moved in the middle of the night to cut off House Democrats’ gun control “sit-in” by adjourning the House through the July 4 — without a vote on gun control. Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) … Read More

Lady Dynamite: A Review

Ken AshfordMental Health, Popular CultureLeave a Comment

I have had a girlfriend with bipolar issues, and another who has since developed identity diffusion disorder* (formally known as multiple personality disorder).  I’ve worked with informal counselling of families and friends of people stricken with mental illness.  Because of that, I can attest to the fact that it is no picnic to be in their shoes, or anywhere near … Read More

Breaking: Scotus Decisions

Ken AshfordEducation, Race, Supreme CourtLeave a Comment

Three big cases remain outstanding on the SCOTUS docket: one on abortion, one on immigration, and one on affirmative action.  The last one was just handed down moments ago. FISHER v UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Facts of the case In 1997, the Texas legislature enacted a law requiring the University of Texas to admit all high school seniors who ranked in … Read More

This Is Slightly Obscene

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, TheatreLeave a Comment

I saw “Hamilton” with the original cast (except Anthony Rannells was substituting for J Groff) last October, a couple of months after it opened.  I knew it would be big and a tough ticket to get in a few months, but I had no idea.  Check this out. Of course, these are tickets for one week from now, and Lin-Manuel … Read More

Realistically, Here Is What Would Happen

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

Terrorist — we’ll call him Shooter A — walks into a crowded room (say, a nightclub) and starts opening fire.  Immediately, some people fall, stricken by Shooter A.  Others instinctively dive under the tables or behind the bar or run out of the room to the bathrooms. Brave Shooter B, a patron, reacts quickly.  In half a second, he draws … Read More

She’s Baaaaack!

Ken AshfordElection 2016Leave a Comment

Oh, Michele “Crazy Eyes” Bachmann.  We missed you. Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, per campaign news release — Mark Murray (@mmurraypolitics) June 21, 2016

Looks Like We’ve Got A Pivot

Ken AshfordElection 2016Leave a Comment

Being strapped of cash is only part of Trump’s problem. Trump’s campaign has fewer than 100 staffers. He boasts how “efficient” his operation is, with 73 employees. Clinton is estimated to already have around 800 paid staffers. Those are people that can be used to register voters and then get them to the polls in key states. You could believe … Read More

The Four Bills Up For Debate And Vote In The Senate

Ken AshfordGun ControlLeave a Comment

Thanks to Senator Murphy’s 15-hour talk-a-thon on the Senate floor last week, Senate Republicans are willing to allow votes on certain gun control proposals. But don’t expect success — in part because 60 votes are needed to break a threatened Republican filibuster. Nevertheless, here are the four proposals – all submitted as amendments to a Justice Department spending bill…….. The Democratic proposals: Brought … Read More

RIP Anton Yelchin

Ken AshfordIn PassingLeave a Comment

Checkov from the “Star Trek” reboot, died in a freak car accident at age 27. “The victim was on his way to meet his friends for a rehearsal and when he didn’t show up, his friends went to his house where they found him deceased by his car,” Houser told CNN. “It appears that he momentarily left his car, leaving … Read More

Supreme Court Cases We’re Watching

Ken AshfordGun Control, Supreme CourtLeave a Comment

It’s getting close to the end of the Supreme Court term, and this is when controversial cases start coming out. Although a few cases were handed down today, they weren’t the ones on my particular radar.  The ones of national import, I believe, are: Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin (argued December 9, 2015).  This case, a challenge to … Read More

Trump To Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski: “You’re Fired”

Ken AshfordElection 2016Leave a Comment

I imagine the best way to show your unqualified to be a campaign manager is to be Trump’s campaign manager, which Corey Lewandowski is.  Er, was. While this might be a “process story”, it actually does reflect on Trump’s so-called ability to surround himself with the best people, a skill he often touts.  Lewandowski came to Trump Tower from New Hampshire … Read More