It was a very well-orchestrated Day 4 of the convention, with some extraordinary speeches. Unfortunately, the networks and 24 hours cable news stations didn’t cover some of the best ones, like these:
(1) The father of a deceased Muslim soldier offering Trump his copy of the Constitution:
(2) North Carolina’s Own, Reverend Barber shakes the walls:
(3) Friend of mine — David Wils (spelled wrong below):
Hillary’s speech was fine. She’s not an orator. But the speech itself was good. It went a little to the left, a little more to the right, having laid the groundwork for welcoming in NeverTrumpers.
The Bernie Sanders deadenders who were delegates came and sat on their hands. There were sporadic attempts to chant on their part, but they were always drowned out by the rest of the crowd. Even during stirring speeches which should appeal to ANYONE, they just say on their hands like the skunk at the party. Some apparently DID leave.
The truth is, those people are activists. They don’t know what to do in the room where it happens. They are better off (for all involved) being on the outside yelling in.
Trump, after bragging so much about his convention, is now claiming ignorance:
“I didn’t produce our show — I just showed up for the final speech on Thursday,” Trump told The New York Times in a phone call this week.
His claim that he had no hand in the convention programming was also eyebrow-raising, given that campaigns typically dictate the speaker roster and many of the RNC speakers had direct ties to Trump. Among those were five members of the Trump family, the manager of Trump Winery and ‘80s sitcom star Scott Baio, who said Trump personally invited him to speak at a campaign fundraiser.
The DNC earned applause from media observers for tightly hewing to schedule and drawing big names including Meryl Streep, Paul Simon, Katy Perry and President Barack Obama.
The Democratic convention outpaced the RNC’s ratings on multiple nights, according to Nielsen.
Also, Bill liked the balloons A LOT.