The Office of Government Ethics, which is responsible for ensuring executive branch personnel don’t run afoul of conflict of interest laws, has been pressuring Trump to place his fortune in a blind trust, like virtually every president before him. But Trump has thus far refused — and in his Wednesday tweetstorm, he purposefully did not say he plans on actually divesting from his own company.
That omission was not lost on whomever manages the OGE’s official Twitter account. Shortly after Trump’s announcement, the OGE shot off a series of tweets mock-congratulating Trump for putting his conflicts of interest to rest by divesting from his company, which Trump very much did not do.
It is a little unusual for a government agency to troll a president-elect, and I suspect that the tweets will be pulled (which is why I screen capped them). But still, gone on whoever is doing it!
.@OfficeGovEthics says congratulatory tweets were posted in excitement to Trump's tweets this morning.
— Natalie Andrews (@nataliewsj) November 30, 2016