Take Him At His Word

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

The right wing Washington Times reports:

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said Monday that President Trump has access to information and intelligence others do not and that “credible news sources” suggested there might be more to look into, after Mr. Trump accused former President Barack Obama over the weekend of tapping phones in Trump Tower during last year’s campaign.

“Well, let’s get to the bottom of it — that is the president’s entire point,” Ms. Conway said on “Fox & Friends.” “You have a number of various and credible news sources showing that there was politically motivated activity all during the campaign and suggesting that there may be more there.”

“The president’s entire point is that the people deserve to know,” she said. “If we don’t know, then let’s find out together.”

If it is true that “President Trump has access to information and intelligence others do not” and this is the basis for his knowledge that Obama tapped Trump Towers, then hell, some Congressional committee needs to look into the Obama wiretapping right now.  And their first witness should be Donald Trump himself.

Let Trump tell the American people what he “knows” to be true, and more importantly, HOW HE KNOWS IT.

I have a feeling, as everyone does, that he is wanting the government to chase conspiracy theories.

But I’ll be happy to be proved wrong.  CALL TRUMP TO THE STAND!!