Hell Hath No Firy Like A Base Scorned

Ken AshfordImmigration and Xenophobia, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

I’m not even sure what Trump did.

Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer announced after a dinner with the president Wednesday that they had reached a deal securing the protection of DACA. A “big, beautiful wall” that Trump campaigned on was reportedly not part of the agreement.

It’s not a done deal. Trump tweeted so, as did Chuck and Nancy.  However, Trrump’s tweets basically defended his decision to allow Dreamers to stay.

Trump’s base went ballistic:

One Republican in Congress, Rep. Steve King, told CNN Thursday morning that his “life’s work” would be undone if Trump truly struck a deal protecting DACA recipients. When asked what he would do if Trump handed a win over to Democrats without any policy consolations in return, King suggested he was powerless and that all he could do was move on to trade and tax reform.

King did say, however, that if Trump moves forward on this DACA deal, “the base will leave him.”

For its part, Fox News stayed in Trump’s corner.  Both Sean Hannity and the “Fox & Friends” crew tried to spin the latest news as a win for Trump because the agreement makes it look as if the White House is working with Democrats to move the country forward. Host Steve Doocy said that Trump was only reaching across the aisle to Democrats because he could get nothing done with Republicans.


But keep in mind, Trump has made deals before and not gone through with them.  The question is… who has his ear? The Fox News Ass-kissers, or the Breitbart Banner fire-breathers?

Either way, it seems like a Dem win-by-triangulation.

Over at the conservative Redstate:

So much butthurt!

While I’m enjoying the schadenfreude, I have to say I’m mystified. Those who knew Trump’s past, and heard all the warnings from those of us who knew a B-list celebrity with liberal leanings and no real ideological foundation would flip, are falling all over themselves today, stunned that everything Never Trump said would happen, has actually happened.

Why? Did you think we were kidding?

In the meantime….