Investigators Scrutinizing Newly Uncovered Payments By The Russian Embassy

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Officials investigating the Kremlin’s interference in the 2016 US presidential election are scrutinizing newly uncovered financial transactions between the Russian government and people or businesses inside the United States. This could reveal good stuff. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team, charged with investigating Russian election interference and possible collusion by the Trump campaign, is examining these transactions and others by Russian diplomatic personnel, … Read More

Bannon Subpoenaed By Mueller

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Steve Bannon is testifying right now behind closed doors before the House Intelligence Committee, which is also investigating Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. I don’t think that is big news — it is the House and their credibility is liimited.  But this is an interesting development, even if it was expected: … Read More

Breaking: New Trump Scandal Not Even The Worst Of The Week

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Political Scandals, Sex Scandals, Sex/Morality/Family Values, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

When you realize the president’s lawyer paying hush money to adult film star before election might not be be one of the 5 worst stories of the week for him — Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) January 12, 2018 Chait is correct. But it is sex and it is easy to understand, so maybe this one will have legs. Stephanie Clifford … Read More

Fallout From Trump’s Racial Slur About Immigrants From “Shithole Countries”

Ken AshfordImmigration and Xenophobia, Race, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

“This is CNN Tonight, I’m Don Lemon. The president of the United States is racist. A lot of us already knew that.” <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe> But political reaction? Very little domestically. The White House did not deny the remarks and one anonymous source said it would probably help Trump with his base. Condemnation from the … Read More

Trumpism And Racism: Part Two — Breaking News

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Immigration and Xenophobia, Political Scandals, Race, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Holy Shit. Washington Post headline: Uh…. when have you ever seen that word in a headline? Story: President Trump grew frustrated with lawmakers Thursday in the Oval Office when they floated restoring protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, according to two people briefed on the meeting. “Why are we … Read More

Trumpism and Race

Ken AshfordImmigration and Xenophobia, Race, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

You need to read Charles Blow: Trumpism is a religion founded on patriarchy and white supremacy. It is the belief that even the least qualified man is a better choice than the most qualified woman and a belief that the most vile, anti-intellectual, scandal-plagued simpleton of a white man is sufficient to follow in the presidential footsteps of the best … Read More

Document Dump: Trump’s Lawyer Files Defamation Suit Re: Steele Dossier

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Michael Cohen, Trump’s (not very good) Roy Cohn, has filed two lawsuits in Manhattan relating to the allegations about him in the Steele Dossier. Both lawsuits assert defamation. Cohen seems quite adamant that the allegations of his Russian ties and contacts are false. Perhaps they are. But as the lawsuits go, he probably doesn’t have much of a case. Buzzfeed, … Read More

How Unpopular Is Trump?

Ken AshfordPolls, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Despite some supposed “successes” lately (the tax reform bill), Trump’s approval remains at historical lows.  First off, this graph from the New York Times reflecting how much more unpopular he is since election by every demographic (underlying data from Morning Consult): It is sorted by biggest fall, although keep in mind that some groups were so law (Dem women for … Read More

Is Trump Screwing With FISA And Unmasking?

Ken AshfordTrump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

It has been reported that Trump’s work day is unusually short — usually from 11am to 3pm. He doesn’t have the attention span or stamina for more. What does Trump do the rest of the time? He watches TV, makes phone calls, and tweets. His tweets are the things that generate most news. And we’ve come to learn after almost … Read More

Cyber Crime Expert Joins Mueller’s Staff

Ken AshfordL'Affaire RusseLeave a Comment

WaPo: Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has added a veteran cyber prosecutor to his team, filling what has long been a gap in expertise and potentially signaling a recent focus on computer crimes. Ryan K. Dickey was assigned to Mueller’s team in early November from the Justice Department’s computer crime and intellectual-property section, said a spokesman for the special … Read More

Three-Judge Panel Strikes Down NC Districts As Political Gerrymandering

Ken AshfordConstitution, Courts/Law, Local Interest, Voter Suppression & Voter SecurityLeave a Comment

This is a huge decision not only locally, but nationally. A federal court yesterday ruled that Republicans in North Carolina unconstitutionally gerrymandered congressional districts in 2016 to ensure Republican “domination of the state’s congressional delegation.” The three-judge panel struck down the map and ordered the state’s General Assembly to come up with a substitute by Jan. 24. The decision was … Read More

The Amazing Rise and Fall Of Steve Bannon

Ken AshfordTrump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Three years ago, very few people knew who Steve Bannon was.  Two years ago, he was the svengali of the Trump campaign, the puppetmaster of Trump himself, making the cover of Time almost as much as Trump. And as the Trump presidency started one year ago, Bannon, as Trump’s chief strategist and main adviser, seemed to have the power to … Read More

Trump To Meet Mueller — Maybe

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

WaPo: Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has raised the likelihood with President Trump’s legal team that his office will seek an interview with the president, triggering a discussion among his attorneys about how to avoid a sit-down encounter or set limits on such a session, according to two people familiar with the talks. Mueller brought up the issue of … Read More

Trump Time

Ken AshfordTrump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Interesting reporting at Axios about how little Trump works: President Trump is starting his official day much later than he did in the early days of his presidency, often around 11am, and holding far fewer meetings, according to copies of his private schedule shown to Axios. This is largely to meet Trump’s demands for more “Executive Time,” which almost always … Read More