“Unite The Right 2” Weekend

Ken AshfordRace, Rightwing Extremism/Violence, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

A lot of ink and video was spilled this weekend covering the Unite The Right 2 event in DC and Charlottesville, one year after all the Nazis went to Charlottesville to have their tiki torch march.  This year was pretty pathetic, as about 18 alt-right Nazis showed up in Washington, heavily protected by police against the literally thousands who went there to oppose them.  Some minor scuffles with the media by the anti-Nazi protesters, but other then that, not much to write about that hasn’t been said a thousand times.

For myself, I watched Spike Lee’s excellent new film, BlackKklansman, which was, among other things, an assault on Trump.  An amazing film, and an instant Spike Lee classic.