After lingering for days, Hurricane Florence hit the NC coast this morning. It had slowly been downgraded over the past two days, so it hit as a Category One. Still pretty serious.
The real threat from Florence isn’t the wind; it’s the rain coupled with its slow speed. This morning, Wilmington got hit with heavy winds, knocking down trees and taking power out. But that might be it for wind damage. Now comes the water damage.

Florence has veered southward so the Piedmont of NC (where I am) will not get hit too badly. Maybe 2-5 inches of rain. But we are in for LOTS of rainy days ahead.

RELATED: Meanwhile Trump is battling the media and, well, everybody, by claiming that the death toll in Puerto Rico was NOT 3000, but actually 16. Trump claims the number was generated by Democrats to make him look bad.
Some are calling it Trump’s worst tweet, which is an honor that has much competition.