SEPT. 28, 2018. The front pages.
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) September 28, 2018
With the embarrassingly empty Kavanaugh hearings behind us, and a nation left wrecked by the he said/she said testimonies, the Senate is going ahead with the votes to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court.
After a closed-door meeting of the Republican conference late last night following the nearly nine-hour hearing, Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Tex.) announced plans to vote Kavanaugh out of the Judiciary Committee at 9:30 a.m. Lawmakers were told that they need to stay in Washington over the weekend for procedural votes on Saturday and Monday. A final confirmation vote on the floor is planned for Tuesday.
Republicans are going to ram this thing through no matter what.
Friday: Judiciary Committee votes at 9:30 a.m. [UPDATE: Moved to 1:30]
Saturday: Senate holds a procedural vote around noon
Monday: Senate votes on cloture
Tuesday: Final vote for confirmation
One of the swing votes, Sen Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is on the Republican committee, and…
BREAKING: Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, just announced he will vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Flake was seen as one of the several key swing-vote senators who remained undecided on the nominee – Fox News
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 28, 2018
Women confront Sen. Jeff Flake after he says he’ll vote yes to Kavanuagh: “That’s what you’re telling all women in America, that they don’t matter. They should just keep it to themselves because if they have told the truth you’re just going to help that man to power anyway.”
— CNN (@CNN) September 28, 2018
Led by Republicans, the cmte. votes down Sen. Blumenthal’s motion to subpoena Mark Judge.
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) September 28, 2018
A senator is heard saying “the ram-job continues.”
“This Judiciary Cmte is no longer an independent branch of government…we are an arm, and a very weak arm, of the Trump White House. Every semblance of independence has disappeared.” @SenatorLeahy just now.
— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) September 28, 2018
The motion to subpoena Mark Judge was defeated 11-10, on party lines.
This is hurtful.
And precisely why women do not come forward.
Some overnight developments.
(1) America Magazine, a Catholic Jesuit publication, rescinded its endorsement of Kavanaugh following today’s hearing. Kavanaugh’s alma mater, Georgetown prep, is a Jesuit school.

(2) The American Bar Association called on the Senate to halt the consideration of Trump’s SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh until an FBI investigation is completed into the sexual assault allegations that have roiled his nomination. This is notable, since ABA gave Kavanaugh a well qualified rating.

(3) Even Alan Dershowitz, one of Trump’s favorite legal minds, is now calling for an FBI probe of Kavanaugh charges: “Right now there are too many unanswered questions to bring the confirmation to a vote…FBI needs to talk to the judge’s accusers and others.”
The New York Times penned an editorial, signed by Editorial Board, entitled “Why Brett Kavanaugh Wasn’t Believable (And why Christine Blasey Ford was). Key grafs:
Judge Kavanaugh’s biggest problem was not his demeanor but his credibility, which has been called in question on multiple issues for more than a decade, and has been an issue again throughout his Supreme Court confirmation process.
On Thursday, he gave misleading answers to questions about seemingly small matters — sharpening doubts about his honesty about far more significant ones. He gave coy answers when pressed about what was clearly a sexual innuendo in his high-school yearbook. He insisted over and over that others Dr. Blasey named as attending the gathering had “said it didn’t happen,” when in fact at least two of them have said only that they don’t recall it — and one of them told a reporter that she believes Dr. Blasey.
Judge Kavanaugh clumsily dodged a number of times when senators asked him about his drinking habits. When Senator Amy Klobuchar gently pressed him about whether he’d ever blacked out from drinking, he at first wouldn’t reply directly. “I don’t know, have you?” he replied — a condescending and dismissive response to the legitimate exercise of a senator’s duty of advise and consent. (Later, after a break in the hearing, he apologized.)
Judge Kavanaugh gave categorical denials a number of times, including, at other points, that he’d ever blacked out from too much drinking. Given numerous reports now of his heavy drinking in college, such a blanket denial is hard to believe.
In contrast, Dr. Blasey bolstered her credibility not only by describing in harrowing detail what she did remember, but by being honest about what she didn’t — like the exact date of the gathering, or the address of the house where it occurred. As she pointed out, the precise details of a trauma get burned into the brain and stay there long after less relevant details fade away.
She was also honest about her ambivalence in coming forward. “I am terrified,” she told the senators in her opening remarks. And then there’s the fact that she gains nothing by coming forward. She is in hiding now with her family in the face of death threats.
And for me, this was the lynchpin — his bizarre (to my mind) and absolute refusal to endorse an FBI investigation:
Pressed over and over by Democratic senators, Judge Kavanaugh never could come up with a clear answer for why he wouldn’t also want a fair, neutral F.B.I. investigation into the allegations against him — the kind of investigation the agency routinely performs, and that Dr. Blasey has called for. At one point, though, he acknowledged that it was common sense to put some questions to other potential witnesses besides him
And there you have it. This too….

Obvious lies by Kavanaugh yesterday:
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) September 28, 2018
1. He only drank beer or partied on weekends
2. The phrase “Renate Alumnus” was complementary
3. “Beach Week Ralph Club” refers to his “weak stomach”
4. He could drink beer legally in MD
5. All 4 witnesses “refute” the party occurred
Judge’s ex-girlfriend, whose story supports Julie Swetnick’s claims about Kavanaugh, is willing to talk to the Judiciary Committee. So is Swetnick. So is is Deborah Ramirez. But Republicans want to suppress these accounts and jam Kavanaugh through.
— Dan Friedman (@dfriedman33) September 28, 2018

UPDATE: It is 12:30 and we are approaching the 1:30 vote….
Something weird is happening — lots of chatter among Democrats after Coons and Klobuchar returned from their talk with Flake
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) September 28, 2018
It’s 1:40 and something is DEFINITELY happening. Not voting and meetings (presumably with Flake) in the ante room. Grassley is frowning.
Here’s a GIF of a very annoyed looking Lindsey Graham.
— David Mack (@davidmackau) September 28, 2018
The room is silent. All the action is in the ante room. FYI: 7 Members of the Committee, actually present, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of discussing business. 9 Members of the Committee, including at least 2 Members of the minority, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business.
There’s more action on Twitter than inside the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing room.
— Ylan Q. Mui (@ylanmui) September 28, 2018
There is a large conference room through that door behind the chairman. There is enough space in that room for multiple separate private conversations. It’s where all the real drama in a Committee takes place.
— Lawrence O’Donnell (@Lawrence) September 28, 2018
Senate Judiciary advances Kavanaugh’s nomination to full Senate, Flake votes “aye” with the understanding that a floor vote could be delayed no more than a week in order to let the FBI do an investigation that is “limited in time and scope.”
Democrats should now send letter to White House formally requesting FBI investigation co-signed by Jeff Flake and every senator who wants FBI investigation.
Final words:
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) September 28, 2018
Grassley: Because of the two-hour rule, we’re adjourned.
Feinstein: What?
Senator Graham to reporters: “Someone’s gotta explain this to Trump. I guess that’s my job”
TRUMP JUST NOW on Dr. Ford: "Certainly, she was a very credible witness." Says he doesn't know if there will be a vote and he just wants it "to work out well for the country."
— Alice Miranda Ollstein (@AliceOllstein) September 28, 2018
Trump per pool: "He called Dr. Ford's testimony both "compelling" and "credible." He was very pleased with Kavanaugh's testimony as well. He refused to twist any arms of undecided senators saying he had "no message" for them and they have to do what makes them comfortable."
— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) September 28, 2018
The remarkable turn of events over the past few hours leading to a high probability of up to a week’s delay so the FBI can investigate will be a mirage unless the FBI investigation is deep and thorough. Here’s where they can start
WATCH: Sen. Whitehouse reviews Judge Kavanuagh's calendar, and discusses what information an FBI investigation could potentially review and uncover.
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) September 28, 2018
Just so we're clear (and I'm tweeting this because several people have asked) this investigation will not involve three or four FBI special agents traveling together around the country. Agents in field offices across the country will help gather the information requested…
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) September 28, 2018
Stay tuned!