From Gallup today, the country is more divided on Trump than with any other president in polling history.
The average 79-percentage-point difference between Republicans’ and Democrats’ job approval ratings of President Donald Trump during his second year in office is the largest Gallup has measured in any presidential year to date.

But Trump still polls at historical lows.
Overall, an average of 40.4% of Americans approved of the job Trump was doing as president throughout his second year in office, a slight improvement from his 38.4% average in year one.
Trump’s second-year approval ratings did not vary much in general, registering mostly in the low 40s. His high point was a personal best 45% in June after his historic meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. His low point in year two was 37% in February — matched in the latest reading, taken during the ongoing partial government shutdown.
And speaking of the shutdown, polls are divided sharply on THAT too. All this comes from Pew Research today.
Yes, a majority opposes the wall expansion.

But there is a huge partisan divide on the wall….

… and how serious the shutdown is.

Trump gets most of the blame….

…. but again, a huge partisan divide

Both sides appear to be dug in: Nearly nine-in-ten (88%) opponents of expanding the border wall say it would not be acceptable to pass a bill that includes President Donald Trump’s request for wall funding, if that is the only way to end the shutdown. Among the smaller group of wall supporters, 72% say a bill to end the shutdown would be unacceptable if it does not include Trump’s funding request.
But this isn’t to say that things are mired. After all, according to
Kevin Hassett, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, the administration now calculates that the shutdown reduces quarterly economic growth by 0.13 percentage points for every week that it lasts — the cumulative effect of lost work from contractors and furloughed federal employees who are not getting paid and who are investing and spending less as a result. That means that the economy has already lost nearly half a percentage point of growth from the four-week shutdown. (Last year, economic growth for the first quarter totaled 2.2 percent.)
Trump has demanded that Democrats, who control the House of Representatives, include $5.7 billion for a border wall in any measure to fund the government. Democrats have refused and, along with some Republicans, have tried to persuade the president to reopen the government and negotiate border security afterward. The House has passed several bills to fund parts of the government, including the Internal Revenue Service, that are not related to border security. Senate Republicans have declined to schedule votes on those bills.
Yesterday, in an effort to try to splinter the Democrats’ opposition, the White House invited several House Democrats from districts Mr. Trump won to discuss a path forward. None showed up.