Trump Responds To SOTU Postponement With Petty Tit-For-Tat

Ken AshfordCongress, Gubmint Shutdown, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

After Nancy Pelosi opted yesterday to un-invite Trump to give a State of The Union speech because of the shutdown, Trump responded just now with this:

Hah! That’ll show her! 

He’s capitalizing shutdown in official letters. As well as “Southern Border Security”.

Congresspeople use Air Force aircraft for those trips. Pelosi was supposed to leave in a government plane this afternoon, source confirms.

White House official says Speaker Pelosi and delegation were set to use military aircraft for foreign trip, which allowed the president to halt the movement.

The letter also reveals travel plans, including a visit to a war zone, for person who is second in line to presidency.

The point, as ever, was to try and show Pelosi that she needs him. But the thing is: she actually doesn’t.

It’s not the “own” that Trump thinks it is.

Does this apply to Nancy, or the whole delegation? Looks like the whole delegation.

That means “it didn’t occur to us” (CODEL, by the way, means “Congressional delegation”)

So it IS pettiness. Not sure how this makes Nancy Pelosi look bad… or brings her to the table.

Hey, look. Graham is growing a pair.

Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff, Drew Hammill, responds via Twitter:

The CODEL to Afghanistan included a required stop in Brussels for pilot rest. In Brussels, the delegation was scheduled to meet with top NATO commanders, U.S. military leaders and key allies–to affirm the United States’ ironclad commitment to the NATO alliance.

This weekend visit to Afghanistan did not include a stop in Egypt.

The purpose of the trip was to express appreciation & thanks to our men & women in uniform for their service & dedication, & to obtain critical national security & intelligence briefings from those on the front lines.

The President traveled to Iraq during the Trump Shutdown as did a Republican CODEL led by Rep. Zeldin.

Hi, THIS is rich….
