Weekly List 127

Ken AshfordWeekly ListLeave a Comment

This week Attorney General William Barr publicly released a redacted version of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, almost a month after he delivered it to Barr. The redacted report differed substantially from Barr’s March 24 letter, as well as from statements delivered by Barr at a press conference hours before the report’s release — casting Barr more as a defense attorney … Read More

To Impeach or Not?

Ken AshfordCongress, Democrats, Election 2020, L'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Okay, we have the Muller Report, which — as everyone says — is a roadmap for Congress to start impeachment proceedings, or at least go forward with investigations leading to impeachment proceedings. Steny Hoyer, the number-two Democrat in the House, even after the long-awaited Mueller report, is not on board. “Based on what we have seen to date, going forward … Read More

The Mueller Report: The Day After

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Clearly, the pro-Trump spin attempts have failed. And they know it. The day after the Justice Department released the Mueller report, President Donald Trump tweeted that, in his opinion, parts of the report are “total bullshit.” That’s quite a departure from Trump’s earlier comments, in which he claimed that special counsel Robert Mueller’s report was a “total exoneration” of him. … Read More

The Mueller Report: Text Versions Of Executive Summaries, Volume I & II

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO VOLUME I RUSSIAN SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN The Internet Research Agency (IRA) carried out the earliest Russian interference operations identified by the investigation—a social media campaign designed to provoke and amplify political and social discord in the United States. The IRA was based in St. Petersburg, Russia, and received funding from Russian oligarch Yevgeniy Prigozhin and companies he … Read More

The Mueller Report: Highlights and Hot Takes

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

It’s out. (searchable version here) This is a bad document for Trump and terrible for Barr who clearly was running interference for Trump. Trump upon learning of Mueller’s appointment: “Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.”: One takeaway throughout is how frequently White House aides lied to reporters. On day of Mueller … Read More

It’s Mueller Report Day! Part One: Barr Press Conference

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

I suggest lowering expectations for the Mueller Report. I expect it to show evidence — evidence — of Trump’s obstruction, but since his motivation is an element that must be proven for an obstruction conviction, and since his motivation rests only in his head (or can at best be inferred, but not proved beyond a reasonable doubt), the report will … Read More

White House Staff Fears Trump Recriminations Regarding Mueller Report

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

NBC: Some of the more than dozen current and former White House officials who cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller are worried that the version of his report expected to be made public on Thursday will expose them as the source of damaging information about President Donald Trump, according to multiple witnesses in the investigation. Some of the officials and … Read More

Notre Dame Will Go On

Ken AshfordDisasters, HistoryLeave a Comment

From singing in the streets to donations of more than $678 million — here’s how the world is reacting to the Notre Dame fire pic.twitter.com/QK5Y3q3zdh — NowThis (@nowthisnews) April 16, 2019 There are few events that can so transfix the world that it seems everyone is watching, but as flames poured out of the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral, the world … Read More

Trump Tells His Accountants To Disobey The Law

Ken AshfordCongress, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

The ongoing fight for Trump’s tax returns. Here’s where we are now: President Donald Trump’s attorneys are warning of potential legal action if an accounting firm turns over a decade of the president’s financial records to the House Oversight and Reform Committee. Trump attorneys William S. Consovoy and Stefan Passantino are urging Mazars USA not to comply with a subpoena that Oversight … Read More

Breaking: Notre Dame Burning Down

Ken AshfordBreaking News, Disasters, HistoryLeave a Comment

Just happening. Cause unknown, but it may be related to renovations. Idiot chimes in… AFP’s reporting on the fire’s origins doesn’t seem to be making it into English language media (it started in the attic in connection with ongoing renovation work, according to firefighters). Hit that translate button, CNN. https://t.co/nH02Ojoji7 — southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) April 15, 2019 Fire coming through the … Read More

7 Things To Look For In The Redacted Mueller Report (Thursday, We’re Told)

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

1. To what extent did Americans assist or cooperate with Russians or other foreign agents in hacking Democratic National Committee emails, in trying to break into American voter registration databases, or in efforts to spread “dirt” on President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election opponent, Hillary Clinton? We know from earlier government reports that Russian agents did all three of these … Read More

Weekly List 126

Ken AshfordWeekly ListLeave a Comment

This week, Trump’s frustration with migrants coming to the southern border boiled over, as he purged the Department of Homeland Security, and empowered immigrant hardliner Stephen Miller to be in charge of the regime’s immigration policy. As the week ended, 12 of the 30 senior roles at DHS were either vacant or filled with “acting” leaders. Departures of senior officials … Read More

Assange Arrested And Charged

Ken AshfordCrime, Cybersecurity, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

This is your reminder that the President of the United States “loves Wikileaks”. So, what happens next? The folks who reserve their harshest condemnations of the U.S. government for Democratic administrations — a crowd that when combined with Assange groupies forms a perfect circle in a Venn diagram — may get an object lesson in the difference between Democratic and … Read More

AG Barr To Look Into Improper FBI Actions Relating To Russia Probe

Ken AshfordL'Affaire Russe, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

This is a waste of time and its sad that Fox News tripe is being taken seriously: .@SenatorShaheen asks Barr about reports he's launched an investigation into officials who investigated Trump "I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal," he says, echoing baseless right-win conspiracy theories. "I think spying did occur." Shaheen is left speechless pic.twitter.com/G1fcAF2Irh — … Read More