It’s been a few days since I posted anything, because, you know, life. Fortunately, there was only one big story — the suicide of billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein while being held on MCC in New York. It came as a surprise to many, especially since he tried to commit suicide in late July.
And it turns out that (a) he was taken off suicide watch for some reason; (b) he wasn’t checked within every thirty minutes like he was supposed to; and (c) because of understaffing at the MCC, some non-correctional officer people were put on Epistein’s watch.
AG Barr is looking into what is clearly incompetence, but that isn’t going to stop the rather uninspired conspiracy theories, mostly from the right (Bill Clinton did it! Epstein didn’t commit suicide but was flown off and is getting a face change!). I’m staying away from all of that. It can be depressing. But even the president got into the conspiracy theories, retweeting this:

I just feel bad for the victims, who never got their day in court and a chance to face their accuser.
With Epstein gone, potential co-conspirators involved in his alleged sex-trafficking network are shifting into focus. British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell is one of four women accused of recruiting underage girls for sex. She’s denied those claims in the past and has not been charged with a crime. Maxwell is said to be Epstein’s ex-girlfriend turned business associate. Her current location is unknown.
And the case goes on. FBI agents were seen raiding Jeffrey Epstein’s private US Virgin Island, which has been dubbed ‘Pedophile Island’, as the sex trafficking probe around the now deceased billionaire intensifies