He didn’t consult allies.
He didn’t consult Congress – even Republicans.
I’m not sure he even consulted his advisers.
But I’ll give dollars to donuts he talked to Putin about this.
This morning, Americans woke to this… out of the blue:

So President Trump has given his endorsement for a Turkish military operation that would sweep away American-backed Kurdish forces near the border in Syria. Basically, we’re fucking the Kurds hard. The Kurdish fighters, which are part of the Syrian Democratic Forces, or S.D.F., have been the United States’ most reliable partner in fighting the Islamic State in a strategic corner of northern Syria
Trump’s decision goes against the recommendations of top officials in the Pentagon and the State Department who have sought to keep a small troop presence in northeast Syria to continue operations against the Islamic State, or ISIS, and to act as a critical counterweight to Iran and Russia
And it is happening fast. Witnesses in Syria saw United States forces withdrawing from two positions in northeastern Syria: observation posts in Tel Abyad and Ein Eissa
Trump tried to explain…

Getting rid of the ISIS Caliphate means nothing if you leave tens of thousands of ISIS fighters behind, and unchecked.
With the betrayal of the Kurds and Trump’s full-on America first tweet storm this morning, is there a single principled internationalist, a single believer in American global leadership somewhere in the Trump Administration who will resign in protest?
Here are reactions, from all quarters:
Let us be clear: The president has sided with authoritarian leaders of Turkey and Russia over our loyal allies and America’s own interests. His decision is a sickening betrayal both of the Kurds and his oath of office.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 7, 2019
President Trump continuously dishonors everything it means to hold the office of President of the United States of America. We must make him a one-term president.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 6, 2019
The U.S. convinced the Kurds to destroy ISIS for us, causing massive Kurd casualties.
— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) October 7, 2019
Then we conned the Kurds into dismantling their defenses, promising to protect them.
Now Trump invites the Turks into Syria, green lighting them to wipe out the Kurds.
Positively sinister.

Syria Kurdish official told us, reacting to Trump’s overnight decision.
— Richard Engel (@RichardEngel) October 7, 2019
“The Americans are traitors. They have abandoned us to a Turkish massacre.
We can no longer fight against isis and have to defend ourselves. This could allow isis to return to the region.”
‘Fox & Friends’ Host Brian Kilmeade Attacks Trump for ‘Disastrous’ Decision to Abandon Kurdish Al… https://t.co/mA2qJXxXlf
— Kent (@kentbike1) October 7, 2019
We must always have the backs of our allies, if we expect them to have our back. The Kurds were instrumental in our successful fight against ISIS in Syria. Leaving them to die is a big mistake. #TurkeyIsNotOurFriend
— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) October 7, 2019
With not one but two Trump Towers in Turkey, it begs the obvious question: is Trump abandoning Kurdish allies and leaving them to a dire fate because he thinks it’s in the US national interest, or because he fears the consequences to Trump Org profits if he alienates Turkey? https://t.co/GIAKKCPvyQ
— Brian Klaas (@brianklaas) October 7, 2019
just a bunch of fuckin grifters getting people killed https://t.co/QTggagXv29
— darth™ (@darth) October 7, 2019
Brett McGurk was a special envoy within the Bush, Obama and Trump Administrations before he resigned at the end of last year because Trump pulled troops from Syria:
Donald Trump is not a Commander-in-Chief. He makes impulsive decisions with no knowledge or deliberation. He sends military personnel into harm’s way with no backing. He blusters and then leaves our allies exposed when adversaries call his bluff or he confronts a hard phone call.
— Brett McGurk (@brett_mcgurk) October 7, 2019
Bottom line: Trump tonight after one call with a foreign leader provided a gift to Russia, Iran, and ISIS. FWIW, I warned of this here in @ForeignAffairs — and recommended alternatives given the hard realities on the ground and in this White House. https://t.co/QHYzI7dgEi
— Brett McGurk (@brett_mcgurk) October 7, 2019
Mustafa Bali is the head of SDF (Syrian Defense Force) Press Office
This is a damning indictment of the US from America’s Kurdish allies: “…failure to fulfill their commitments.” https://t.co/JL0j5B6lHv
— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) October 7, 2019

UPDATE: Graham shows he can take action when he wants to:
Hope and expect sanctions against Turkey – if necessary – would be veto-proof.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) October 7, 2019
This decision to abandon our Kurdish allies and turn Syria over to Russia, Iran, & Turkey will put every radical Islamist on steroids. Shot in the arm to the bad guys. Devastating for the good guys.
Backing Trump on Syria:
— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) October 7, 2019
Rand Paul
Lindsey Graham
Kevin McCarthy
Liz Cheney
Susan Collins
Much focus on the President’s boast about his wisdom. But this threat–” I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!).”–should be the focus. “Unhinged” is a euphemism here. Can’t wait to hear Hannity, Hobbs, Giuliani explain this one.
— Jeff Greenfield (@greenfield64) October 7, 2019
Aaand Trump just responded, obviously stung by the notion that this helps Russia:
….down, watching over a quagmire, & spending big dollars to do so. When I took over, our Military was totally depleted. Now it is stronger than ever before. The endless and ridiculous wars are ENDING! We will be focused on the big picture, knowing we can always go back & BLAST!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 7, 2019
He’s watching TV obviously.
oh there’s more….
….the captured ISIS fighters and families. The U.S. has done far more than anyone could have ever expected, including the capture of 100% of the ISIS Caliphate. It is time now for others in the region, some of great wealth, to protect their own territory. THE USA IS GREAT!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 7, 2019
“in my great and unmatched wisdom….” — some might think he’s displaying false modestly. He’s not. And it is his “wisdom” that is causing all his problems.
UPDATE — Pompeo seems to have his fingerprints on this:
So it’s clear Neville Pompeo was a willing party to this. https://t.co/9rFpwGclpD
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) October 7, 2019
And Graham again, riffing on Trump’s “wisdom”:
* Turkey does not have the capability to keep ISIS from re-emerging and their primary target is the Kurds – not ISIS.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) October 7, 2019
* It would be unwise to believe otherwise.
The leader of the free world has tweeted or retweeted 22 times since this morning. Obviously, Mondays are an “executive time” sort of day for him.
— Brandon (@Brand_Allen) October 7, 2019
The “great and unmatched wisdom” line is getting much more blowback —
Trump just tweeted about his “great and unmatched wisdom.” In related news, here is a picture of him staring and pointing at an eclipse. pic.twitter.com/3FqQrSVYNO
— Joseph Scrimshaw (@JosephScrimshaw) October 7, 2019
If the leader of a major corporation publicly explained that a controversial action was taken “in my great and unmatched wisdom,” the board would call an emergency meeting to reassure shareholders and discuss next steps. For elected officials to ignore this is Russian roulette.
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) October 7, 2019
I’ve always thought that “invoke the 25th amendment!” was a misguided, futile notion but after this Tweet from the President, I’m reassessing… https://t.co/MFs3MpT6kj
— Jeff Greenfield (@greenfield64) October 7, 2019
Silly me for writing an 11,400-word article containing illustrations of @realDonaldTrump’s pathological narcissism and sociopathy. I could have just retweeted this. https://t.co/ir75UDJDyD
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) October 7, 2019
Much focus on the President’s boast about his wisdom. But this threat–” I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!).”–should be the focus. “Unhinged” is a euphemism here. Can’t wait to hear Hannity, Hobbs, Giuliani explain this one.
— Jeff Greenfield (@greenfield64) October 7, 2019
Coming late the party….
NEW: Mitch McConnell weighs in on Syria:
— Laura Litvan (@LauraLitvan) October 7, 2019
`A precipitous withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime,' he says. pic.twitter.com/YTmoA1A4dz
NEW: Mitch McConnell weighs in on Syria:
— Laura Litvan (@LauraLitvan) October 7, 2019
`A precipitous withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria would only benefit Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime,' he says. pic.twitter.com/YTmoA1A4dz
One State Department person said that Erdogan in Turkey seemed to expect US troops to assist him in entering Syria, and Trump would make it right with international sentiment. Jesus. I wonder what has to been said to Erdogan in the past to make him think that!