Here’s just a few of the #BlackVoicesForTrump at tonight’s rally! Having a fantastic time!#TulsaRally2020 #Trumptulsa #TulsaTrumprally #MAGA #Trump2020 #Trump2020Landslide
— Herman Cain (@THEHermanCain) June 20, 2020
Former Republican presidential contender Herman Cain has died due to COVID-19. Cain was hospitalized on July 2 for COVID-19 symptoms; his last apparent public appearance was at Donald Trump’s Tulsa, Oklahoma rally two weeks prior, on June 20. That event was intentionally structured to ignore pandemic safety recommendations, and Tulsa, Oklahoma saw a spike of COVID-19 cases in the weeks afterwards that public health experts believe was connected to Trump’s appearance.
Cain was a fierce public critic of mandatory mask efforts. The day before his hospitalization, he had praise for Trump’s no-mask policy a Mt. Rushmore event, declaring in a now-deleted tweet that “PEOPLE ARE FED UP!”
My goodness. Herman Cain has died of COVID, sacrificed at the altar of @realDonaldTrump‘s maskless Tulsa rally. There’s no way to spin this.
— Dave Zirin (@EdgeofSports) July 30, 2020
No way to spin this indeed.
There’s a lot of conservative, no-masking-wearing, coronavirus-catching and coronavirus-dying going on:

And the conspiracy theories are already starting:
GOP House nominee Angela Stanton King, who has posted pro-QAnon messages in the past, seems to be implying something nefarious happened to Herman Cain.
— Will Sommer (@willsommer) July 30, 2020
The last Herman Cain tweet, sent out by a staffer or intern no doubt, piled on the covid conspiracy theories, even as Herman Cain was one day away from dying from the virus:
Our government, and our media, have incinerated their credibility. So, is it any wonder that people are skeptical? #Coronavirus
— Herman Cain (@THEHermanCain) July 29, 2020
Here’s how they covering it at The Gateway Pundit: