Eason Jordon believed that U.S. soldiers were targetting journalists. Ann "It’s Time for the New McCarthyism" Coulter wants U.S. soldiers to target journalists.
Eason Jordon’s statement is made in a closed-door symposium with relatively few listeners. He retracts it almost immediately.
Ann Coulter’s statement was made on national television to untold millions of listeners. She never retracts it.
Eason Jordon is compelled to resign as a result of his statement.
Ann Coulter gets booked on television, and gets asked back, as a result of her statement.
Right Wing blogosphere reaction to Eason Jordon: Pack mentality, and blood-revenge.
Right Wing blogosphere reaction to Ann Coulter: [crickets, a sagebrush blows in the wind, a dog barks in the distant, more crickets]
I’m just sayin’ . . .