Bush “Finds” Another Military Record Saying He Quit The Reserves

Ken AshfordElection 2004Leave a Comment

WASHINGTON – The White House said seven months ago that it had released all the records on President Bush (news – web sites)’s stateside military service during the Vietnam War, yet new records are still dribbling out as Election Day approaches.

The White House on Wednesday night produced a November 1974 document bearing Bush’s signature from Cambridge, Mass., where he was attending Harvard Business School, saying he had decided not to continue as a member of the military reserve.

The document, signed a year after Bush left the Texas Air National Guard, said he was leaving the military because of "inadequate time to fulfill possible future commitments." White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the resignation was found in connection with a lawsuit brought by The Associated Press.

The White House said the document had been in Bush’s personnel file and that it had been found by the Pentagon.


How can the WH/Pentagon suddenly "find" a document in Bush’s personnel file? Didn’t they look before . . . like when they said that everything had been released??