What is a "lie"? What is a "deception"? What is it that the left accuses the Bush White House of doing?
Kevin Drum explains the difference here. Now basically, Bush & Co. — technically speaking — don’t lie . . . usually. I’ll let Kevin explain:
Let’s take this statement from Dick Cheney on "Meet the Press" last year:
"If we’re successful in Iraq…we will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base, if you will, the geographic base of the terrorists who have had us under assault now for many years, but most especially on 9/11."
To see how this is technically defensible, let’s break it down:
* Who attacked us on 9/11? Al-Qaeda.
* Where do they operate from? Various places in the Middle East and Central Asia.
* What’s the geographic base of that region? Arguably, Iraq is dead center.
Each phrase, then, is technically accurate. Taken as a whole, though, it’s obvious that his intent was to imply that Iraq was a primary base for al-Qaeda’s activities, which is clearly untrue. [Emphasis added – CKB]
The whole exercise is sophomoric, of course, sort of like listening to a first grader who doesn’t quite realize that adults can easily see through statements that he thinks are rather sophisticated. The difference is that in this case the first grader is surrounded by thousands of people who will dutifully pretend that of course he wasn’t implying that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11 and then shake their heads in sorrow that anyone could be so consumed by Bush hatred as to misunderstand the vice president’s plain intent. [Emphasis in original – CKB]
Bam! You said it, KD.