Poor Mitt Romney. He's flip-flopping on the subject of flip-flopping!
Several weeks ago, in one of the more amusing political claims of the year, Mitt Romney boasted, "I stand by my positions. I'm proud of them." Given Romney's record of abandoning every policy position he's ever taken, it was hard not to marvel at his shamelessness.
Soon after, Romney reversed course, acknowledging he has changed his positions, but insisting that this is a good thing. "In the private sector," he said, "if you don't change your view when the facts change, well you'll get fired for being stubborn and stupid."
Now, Romney has reversed course again.
Mitt Romney, under fire from all sides on the strength of his political convictions, said Thursday he has been as consistent as a person can be during his political career.
"I've been as consistent as human beings can be," the presidential candidate said in a meeting with the editorial board of New Hampshire's Seacoast Media Group.