Trump’s Newest Odd Tweet

Ken AshfordElection 2016, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

I don’t know.  Maybe it was Castro’s death, and Trump missed being in the headlines.  But for whatever reason, he tweeted this:

This is extremely bizarre.  Is he really stinging from losing the popular vote?  Apparently.  Does he really believe that millions of people voted illegally (it is largely believed that Trump’s “source” is an Infowars tweet making the same claim)?  Apparently.

That’s just scary.

Maybe Trump was trying to protect HIS legitimacy as a “winner”, or maybe he is nervous about recounts.  But what he did was undermine faith in the election process — a process that benefited him!!  As I have said, “Well, if that is how the President-elect feels, lets recount and audit the whole thing!!”

The upcoming fact-free Trump presidency is going to be distressing.


“I’m sorry, Jeannie, your answer was correct, but Kevin shouted his incorrect answer over yours, so he gets the points.”