Most Americans Think Trump Won’t Keep His Promises

Ken AshfordPolls, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

Gallup this morning:


Trump Loses Ground on Key Characteristics
Percentage who think each of the following applies to Donald Trump


Feb 1-5 Apr 5-9 Change
% % pct. pts.
Keeps his promises 62 45 -17
Is a strong and decisive leader 59 52 -7
Can bring about changes this country needs 53 46 -7
Is honest and trustworthy 42 36 -6
Cares about the needs of people like you 46 42 -4
Can manage the government effectively 44 41 -3

Yeah, that’s not good.

Maybe that explains the Trump tweets this morning.

He starts off by taking shots at Obama. Then he takes a shot at Democrats by recommending a book (it’s his kind of book because it has blank pages), gripes about “fake media” (which is, to Trump, anything factual that puts him in a bad light), and weighs in on an election with lies.  And finally, he touts a poll which isn’t that good, even it were from a reputable polling company, which Rasmusson is not.

It’s going to be a long week.

UPDATE:  On the other hand, according to Pollster his approval rating has been improving for the past couple of weeks: