I Wonder Why Trump Gets Negative Press

Ken AshfordCyberbullying, Trump & AdministrationLeave a Comment

This morning:

This, apparently, is what set him off:

Not too bad. I mean, it’s not like they claimed he wasn’t born in America. I guess it was the “little hands” thing that may have done it.

Then again, maybe it was the fact that Hannity went after Joe last night.

In any event, Mr. Unpresidential Thinskin’s response was horrible.

Since I am speechless, I will let Jay Caruso over at the conservative Redstate speak for me:

Unfortunately, for the people who are upset Donald Trump receives very little positive media coverage, they need to cast their gaze at the President and not the media because he brings it on himself time and time again.

Remember, he is the President of The United States of America. He is the Commander-In-Chief. He is the de facto leader of the free world.


First of all, that he’s bellowing about Morning Joe means he was watching the show this morning. Why say something about a show you don’t watch?

Second, when the President tweets high school drivel such as this, the media is going to talk about it because it is what he is discussing. Kellyanne Conway tried to argue the media is “obsessed” over the President’s tweets, but the White House said his tweets are official statements. It is not Donald Trump, the reality television host popping off about Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough. It is an official statement issued by the President of The United States.

What President Trump said about Mika supposedly bleeding from a facelift is low-grade trash, worthy of anonymous Internet trolls, not the most powerful man in the world.

People will argue, “Oh that’s just the President trolling, and guys like you fell for it.” Yes, silly me. I expect the President of the United States to concern himself with matters related to his office and to conduct himself with a little character and dignity.

How gauche. 

Naturally, what will happen, is the media will focus on this (tada!) because the President thinks tweeting the way guys scribble on the bathroom wall in the 9th grade is the proper way to conduct his daily business. Meanwhile, the people in his administration who are doing real work, aren’t getting credit or media coverage for the work they’re doing because President Jeff Spicoli is too busy making Mr. Hand speculate if he’s on dope.

Grow up, Mr. President.

This is bullying. This is sexist. It may even indicate mental instability.  He thinks that when you read these Mika tweets, you’ll be on his side. In his mind, he’s being persuasive. Imagine being that awful.

Personally, I would love to see him censured by Congress.

Backlash is universally negative.  Mika herself responded this way:


MSNBC’s competitor:

And from others:

(Lynn Jenkins is a GOP Congresswoman from Kansas)

Coming to his defense:

I’m so glad he has his hands on the red button.  Also,



For the record, “Morning Joe” enjoyed its highest ratings ever in the second quarter of this year and has increased viewership in nine consecutive quarters.  And….

What? You mean Trump lied?

And yeah. I know some people are saying Trump is trying to distract everyone from the horrible healthcare thing, but that doesn’t make sense.  People can focus on more than one thing.  Besides, distract us from what?  Are things happening that we can see or discuss?  Not yet.

UPDATE:  From the Sarah Huckabee press briefing —

I wish someone would ask what it is with Trump and visions of women bleeding.

BONUS UPDATE — Even Hannity!!

… but he adds that he can nevertheless understand how Trump is upset with “Morning Joe” coverage. And then calls media “crybabies”…