(1) "Google Translate for Animals" is pretty easy to spot.
(2) In fact, Google Topeka itself is having a little fun.
(3) Kodak
(4) Youtube is offering videos in text-only mode.
(5) Justin Bieber has bought out the Funny Or Die website
(6) Wikipedia's main page
(7) Starbucks introduces more sizes:
(8) Google Maps streetview in 3D mode?
(9) I think Improv Anywhere is pulling our legs with this one.
UPDATE: And the winner is….. Johns Hopkins University:
The Johns Hopkins University announced today that it is bowing to the inevitable and officially changing its name to "John Hopkins."
"We give up," university President Ronald J. Daniel said. "We're fighting a losing battle here. And we strongly suspect the extra 's' was a typo in the first place."