Why Yahoo Answers Is The Bestest Thing On The Intertubes

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment


Here's the link.  The answers are a scream, too.  A sampling:

If you walked in on your male neighbor and saw the same thing what would you think? I'm glad I don't have to clean that room when all you guys are 'finished'.

Dear sir,
You are so the very, very gay. You are in fact so very gay that the gay people call you gay.

What are you, 10 yrs old? Sound very immature to me.

OK, no gay person would ever be such a pervert.

If it's real then she's reacting as any woman of a grown man involved in a circle jerk would react. What she's caught is exactly what you want it not to be…some type of perverted homosexual or homo-erotic behavior that is pretty sick. You may be stuck in the 80's but what you're describing here isn't what men who lived through that decade as an adult did. If she can stomach you again she's a real princess. My guess is she can't and won't. Good luck…