Melt The United States

Ken AshfordEnvironment & Global Warming & EnergyLeave a Comment

Think about how vast the United States is.  Leave out Alaska and Hawaii and just focus on the lower 48.  Think about how expansive it is, how long it takes to travel from one end to the other.

That's about the size of the Arctic polar ice cap — during warm months — for the end of the last century.


Even during the warmer months, the Arctic ice cap was unpassable.

Well, that's soon to be a thing of the past.

A new study reveals that the polar ice cap will be navigable during the summer months, within a decade. 

And in 20 to 30 years, it will be entirely gone during the summer months.  That's right.  The North Pole (including Santa's house) will be ocean. 

In the upcoming months, there's going to be bills and debate in the Congress on the subject of global warming, and you know where the political parties will line up.  You're going to be hearing a lot of misinformation from interest groups (big oil) and GOP politicians and pundits fiananced by those interest groups, including the ridiculous conard that global warming doesn't exist.  It's going to make the health care debate look reasonable and adult by comparison. 

But Santa Claus is drowning.  So it's time to saddle up.